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Here are comments posted by SavageWolf!
Avatar of SavageWolf
No, you can't.

And the thing I would do is to group people into a "radical" group, and all posts from them would be hidden from everyone else, I guess.
Avatar of Michos
Can I at least post this concept art of miasmon Studmuffin? Pretty please?

Grouping people like that sounds neat, but is the idea that their posts would be visible to other radical people, or would be invisible to everybody?
Because if it's the former, I'm sure some people (I'm not saying me, but probably me) would rather take pride in being put into that sort of 'elite club'. Maybe not necessary with a small community that you have here now, but with a bigger one, there would be people who'd intentionally try to get censored.
And if it's the latter, well, I fail to see the difference between that and regular ban+post removal.
Avatar of SavageWolf
... Please don't post that anywhere. I have no idea what rules it breaks but it must break some. ;_;

Anyway, the second thing I was thinking it would be visible to all the radical people. But that was a joke, and it doesn't work well in practice, I guess.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Because you didn't check the "Show in activity page" thing (or it wasn't implemented then) and so I didn't see it until someone replied to it. I'd be the worst China ever.

But anyway, please don't post links to "cracked" things, okay.
Avatar of Michos
Can I post uncracked things obtained in a similarly illegal matter, along with instructions on how to crack them on your own? It really is the matter of replacing about 2 or 3 bytes of the file.

Also, you are one of the worse chinas I've met. Not that I'm giving you ideas on how to be oppressive, but an alternative to removing posts you could just hide them from general view, but not from the author . Leaving them completely unsuspecting .

Edit: Did your formatting syntax lie to me, or have I just not earned it, because I didn't follow he rules?
Edit2: Ah, forgot spaces.
You Should still punish people by taking away their text formatting rights.
Avatar of SavageWolf
No, you can't.

And the thing I would do is to group people into a "radical" group, and all posts from them would be hidden from everyone else, I guess.
Avatar of Michos
Can I at least post this concept art of miasmon Studmuffin? Pretty please?

Grouping people like that sounds neat, but is the idea that their posts would be visible to other radical people, or would be invisible to everybody?
Because if it's the former, I'm sure some people (I'm not saying me, but probably me) would rather take pride in being put into that sort of 'elite club'. Maybe not necessary with a small community that you have here now, but with a bigger one, there would be people who'd intentionally try to get censored.
And if it's the latter, well, I fail to see the difference between that and regular ban+post removal.
Avatar of SavageWolf
... Please don't post that anywhere. I have no idea what rules it breaks but it must break some. ;_;

Anyway, the second thing I was thinking it would be visible to all the radical people. But that was a joke, and it doesn't work well in practice, I guess.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I did not know this... Do we know why?
Avatar of SavageWolf
"By default, Django uses the PBKDF2 algorithm with a SHA256 hash, a password stretching mechanism recommended by NIST."

I have no idea what any of this means! :D But yes, they are salted.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
In other words, significantly better than this one site that recently got hacked that I used used.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Glad to know people still make fun of me for things that I can't even remember...
Avatar of SavageWolf
Uhm... I do hash your passwords? What? o_O

Although you shouldn't assume that, or assume that I can keep a secret site. Or anyone can. Different passwords for different services, people.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
So they are hashed, right? What hash and are they salted?
Avatar of SavageWolf
"By default, Django uses the PBKDF2 algorithm with a SHA256 hash, a password stretching mechanism recommended by NIST."

I have no idea what any of this means! :D But yes, they are salted.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
In other words, significantly better than this one site that recently got hacked that I used used.
Avatar of DeeKayFTW
I'm referring to your argument with Michos all those months ago.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Glad to know people still make fun of me for things that I can't even remember...
Avatar of SavageWolf
Super Mario RPG sounds like a great game to grow up with, with all it's hidden secrets and stuff.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I had both a Mega Drive and a N64 for much of my childhood. I never really tried to get other games or consoles. Anyway, interestingly, I never really thought of the N64 as more "superior" than the Mega Drive, interestingly.

I kinda miss those days. Without internet or new games. I wish I could go back to playing games for ages for fun, without playing to finish them or having strategy guides, or getting distracted by new games. Oh well.

I guess my favourite game was LoZ OoT despite spending years of my childhood being unable to figure out how to equip swords (I wasn't a very smart child), and then pretty much never figuring out how to sneak past the guards at the castle (I assumed you couldn't, because I couldn't find the gap in the guards). The overworld was just that good! I also Mario Kart and Mario Golf, but no Mario platformers, so I had no idea who the people were! :D Also Sonic. I had Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, and played the hell out of them. But I couldn't get past Labrynth zone (the boss; thought you had to kill it) or the Death egg (No rings! D:). I'm amazed that I only recently figured out a secret passage that let you skip the stupid part in Chemical Plant! That's good game design right there, I say! :D

Other than that, I have a lot of other games, but nothing particular of interest. Oh, except a game called "ball jacks" which had a funny name, I guess.

Anyway, thanks for making this thread; it's interesting and such!
Avatar of SavageWolf
Pseudo's shoddy programming?
Avatar of SavageWolf
Could you not swear please...
Avatar of donutsizzle
Yeah, I could probably do that. I'd rather feel free like a bird, but if I must be ensnared, can you at least tell me you love me?
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