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Here are comments posted by SavageWolf!
Avatar of SavageWolf
I'm perfectly fine with him being fragile. What I'm not fine is with him using it as an excuse to ignore other peoples feelings.

Avatar of donutsizzle
Savvy, how you feel about Pseudo now is understandable and unproblematic, in my opinion.

How you felt about him in the past, on the other hand, where you elevated him above yourself, was not, and is greatly contributory to the intensity of your current feelings, the way I see it.

If you had only treated him as an equal from the beginning, skeptical of his powers of insight and empathy, you wouldn't have experienced nearly the shock to find he has terrible flaws that are not just pitiful but personally offensive. The pity was in no way detrimental to the kind of deification that Pseudo has been allotted, but the offenses tear down the facade fairly quickly.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Darth Vador didn't do the DDoS; it was Drake. I'm not sure how he did it, but I think he just pinged the site over and over. Pseudo's sites have a big bug in it which means that if his database server goes down even for an instant, it takes the rest of his site and takes it down. This bug has been pointed out to him before, but he didn't do anything about it, and likely still hasn't. I should point out that he still blames us for this.

Pseuo is an emotionally manipulative bigot. Simple as. He wants to be treated very well, to the extent that he is pampered, while he, quite frankly, treats everyone he dislikes (which is a large list) like crap. I'll link to a post I made explaining the Frances thing in a reply to the other comment you made, and that should give you a basic idea.

Anyway, I stayed on Fig Hunter for much of my teenage life, and after that experience, I'd warn you to stay away from him. He is unable to run a website or choose people suited to running a website (which in itself isn't a bad thing) and has a bad habit of abandoning or drastically changing sites when he doesn't get women he wants.

Something which may be relevant to you is his disliking of people with Aspergers or Autism, which he thinks just makes you psychopathic. There was a call to unban a person with Aspergers because he had improved since Pseudo last talked to him, and he said "I'd unban him, but he has Aspergers which I don't think is something you just "get over"".

I and most fig hunters don't want to hurt Pseudo. Only two people have attacked Pseudo, one of whom was a troll that was banned ages ago hundreds of times and the other stopped after realising that Pseudo was blaming FH for it. If I am to do anything, it'll be along the lines of having Pseudo face consequences for his actions, or something.
Avatar of Drake
drake here, pitchin' in to that first point. spudo banned myself and several others for negative attitude. one of these was a friend (uuuuuugh) of darth. she made an account on st (and provoked others into doing the same); in retaliation (and in approximation of the actions of the few to the intent of the many, as spudo often does), spudo edited the chat to replace every message with "DUUUH", and taunted us. around this time i logged in with an alt and used a repurposed chat-interfacing app to spam it with messages. underestimating the obscene fragility of spudo's servers, i started to ramp up to as many requests as i was able to perform; this, of course, shut down the site. after realizing that i had actually done it personally (i hadn't been sending nearly as much traffic as i had believed would crash it, so i initially assumed that it was michos' doing), and after being notified by an anonymous informant that spudo was talking faeces about fhers behind our backs, i started to shut down other subdomains of his. it went on for about thirty minutes to an hour, at which point my sleep-deprivation-addled brain finally recognized the concept of "legal consequences" and i stopped.

on the second point, because i don't want to make another post, the guy's a prick. basically all of the Serious Antagonism he has recently (in the broad sense) received has been from me, and he seems absolutely hell-bent on using my sporadic insults to justify his raging kismesis to fighunter entire. i have no idea what your attraction to st is (a cursory glance at your profile registers "vaguely pretentious"), but my honest advice to you would be to GET THE FUCK AWAY RIGHT THIS SECOND. i literally cannot think of a single person who has ever been positively influenced by spudo, and the memeplex that hovers like a fetid musk around that site is hella harmful. imho you should *really* try to avoid absorbing any more of those ideas than is absolutely necessary. what savage said is absolutely correct; the site is a thinly-veiled vehicle for spudo's desires, and spudo's desires only. he could be charitably described as a predator; i would say that his vocal denunciation and categorization of people like that has made it far more easy for him to ignore the little signs that he himself is one of them.

i'm not going to talk about the entire "bigoted" thing, because that much should be patently obvious to anyone in the same plane of existence as him.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I have something else to bring up about the "Get away from him" thing (I should add swear filters).

I go to a youth club, and I showed Pseudo's Transphobic Adventures to a women working there (who I trust with my issues and stuff). It's literally the most shocked a person I have ever seen, really. Anyway, she not only said that I should stay away from Pseudo, but that I should stay away from his FRIENDS (as I assumed people like Scint and whatnot where; honestly I don't know) as well. Yes. I should point out that she also thinks he's faking his social anxiety, and doesn't really know much about him besides his transphobic adventures. So take it with a grain of salt maybe.

He also called us Psychopaths or sociopaths or both (Actually, they are the same thing. Ignore this). Not really sure. Fun Fact: Looking at the list of symptoms of psychopathy, they don't really match up with Aspergers/Autism. So if you have autism either you are not, or the chances are reduced of you being a psycopath as well. :D

Also, Drake, I wouldn't call him a predator... He's more like the pampered kid who throws tantrums if he doesn't get exactly what he wants all the time... Which isn't a contradiction to him being a predator. Never mind. Carry on.
Avatar of Drake
yeah, he makes pretty frequent allegations of sociopathy and/or other serious mental illnesses. i can remember multiple occasions where he's called me personally and explicitly a psychopath, and there was that discussion on st about "internet trolls" correlating with psychopathy (which is really not surprising, when you think about it, but which was treated as an absolute). his propensity to attach tags that he doesn't even remotely understand to people is really quite worrying.
Avatar of SavageWolf
In a nutshell, he and his girlfriend broke up, and he has been "subtly" trying to get a new one. He is fed up with all the men on the site and "scared of them" apparently, so he made several new sites which male Fig Hunters aren't allowed on. He also whines about Fig Hunters and men constantly, and how we were terrible to him and such.

He also hates masculinity and assertiveness and anything stereotypically male (He's sexist). Anyway, a woman from Fig Hunter was invited to one of his sites, and Pseudo and her didn't get along. Pseudo out of the blue asked her if she was transgender (which she was), and harassed her until she told him that she was indeed trans.

Pseudo then got angry and called her deceptive, and outed her and generally took any opportunity he could to complain about how terrible and "masculine" she was. He then made a really, really offensive rant in private to a group of friends of his. This rant was leaked to the woman involved, and she slowly gave it out to people to try to stop Pseudo's attacks. (He was blaming her for being aggressive and stuff).

Pseudo eventually found out that she had leaked this, and banned her from the site. He then made a long post where he ranted about how it was her fault for not allowing him privacy and saying she was aggressive for trying to defend herself. He also made himself look like a complete idiot. He refused to apologise or even acknowledge that he had done anything wrong, and I doubt

Pseudo then found out that the woman in question had another username from back when she identified as male and did some bad things (transgender people who don't realise that they are trans tend to act in a really exaggerated way in order to hide the "feelings" they feel), and made this public. She had tried to put this past behind herself, and even spent money buying a new steam library.

This controversy caused pretty much the last of the Fig Hunters (including me) to leave the site (they had been steadily leaving after Pseudo left and started giving them abuse). So that's fun.

Any questions? But anyway, I may as well make this the official "rant about Pseudo" thread in order to keep it all contained.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you find out about this site?
Avatar of SavageWolf
Okay, so I posted this on the Facebook, and may as well post it here as well because *shrugs*. Should at least pretend there is activity on this site.

Anyway, so people can be affected by other people's emotions. That's affective empathy; when you look at someone who is upset and feel bad in response. Then there is cognitive empathy; a learned form of empathy which generally considers not what people are feeling but WHY. And sensitivity... I don't really know, to be honest. And looking it up is too much work! :D Anyway, I guess sensitivity is a measure of how you feel in response to other people's feelings? As in, feeling people are upset with you (via affective empathy) would cause more stress for a very sensitive person than a not sensitive person.

I guess what I'm idly wondering is the relationships between these three... So far I think I have the following:
* A high affective empathy may cause a high sensitivity, but I'm not too sure.
* A high sensitivity implies at least a moderate affective empathy, at least...
* Having both a high affective empathy and a high sensitivity can cause problems in using cognitive empathy because when you see someone upset, you feel so upset that you can't help them.
* Having a low sensitivity, a low affective empathy or a low cognitive empathy makes you an asshole.
* Having a high sensitivity makes you want to avoid all criticism at all because it upsets you too much.

So yeah, just idle wondering. I'd ask for responses but I doubt anyone would give them.
Avatar of SavageWolf
From a biological perspective, our goal in life is to reproduce, and keep our genes going and evolving. That's it. Hell, that is the only reason we try to stay alive; so we can reproduce.

However, humans have evolved far beyond our "base desires" as it were. We have cities and science and whatnot and are really, really intelligent. Therefore I say that, for humans, we choose our own "meaning of life" like happiness, creating world peace, leaving behind a legacy and so on. Those kind of things, and they are unique for each person.

I don't know what mine is, but it's probably a mixture of happiness, trying to help people and solve problems.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Games seem to try to do different things. Some like to use good graphics, others good game-play. For me, I think I'm the kind of person who will look at what an RPG is good at, and pay attention to that.

So, really, I like RPGs that do something, like graphics, game-play, whatever and do it well, while everything else is at least passable.

One thing that does annoy me, is things being lost forever, and exploits in game mechanics that make the game trivial and are counter intuitive (Hello FFII).
Avatar of SavageWolf
Personally, I'm a fan of snowy biomes (which I don't think you had options for), at least to look at. Although I think they would get tiresome after a while, maybe. And I probably wouldn't want to be in them.

I do like forests though, particularly green, bright, almost fantasy forests. They just seem... Nice and calm, really. If I somehow was able to live in one, and still have internet and stuffs, I would like that. Yes. They just seem so... Refreshing and relaxing, "tranquil".

Deserts and wetlands seem "dead" to me. Like something that has rotted away or dried up. Blegh.

Beaches and tropical like things are annoying because SAND EVERYWHERE. I don't like beaches, because you get covered in sand, and stuff, and it's usually boiling hot, and there are other people and you have to barbecues and so on.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Basic has timestamps if you roll over the message.
Avatar of Hyphero
Oh. I use Simplebox anyway.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I've noticed that people keep entering and exiting the chat in a really short span of time, and I've been told that for at least one person, it takes a few refreshes to get it working. Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues.

Oh, before you tell me about the text overlapping the time thing, I fixed that. CTRL+SHIFT.
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