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Thread: What happened?
Avatar of coolyellow42
Does anyone know what happened to Pseuds? He hasn't updated us much recently...
Avatar of SavageWolf
In a nutshell, he and his girlfriend broke up, and he has been "subtly" trying to get a new one. He is fed up with all the men on the site and "scared of them" apparently, so he made several new sites which male Fig Hunters aren't allowed on. He also whines about Fig Hunters and men constantly, and how we were terrible to him and such.

He also hates masculinity and assertiveness and anything stereotypically male (He's sexist). Anyway, a woman from Fig Hunter was invited to one of his sites, and Pseudo and her didn't get along. Pseudo out of the blue asked her if she was transgender (which she was), and harassed her until she told him that she was indeed trans.

Pseudo then got angry and called her deceptive, and outed her and generally took any opportunity he could to complain about how terrible and "masculine" she was. He then made a really, really offensive rant in private to a group of friends of his. This rant was leaked to the woman involved, and she slowly gave it out to people to try to stop Pseudo's attacks. (He was blaming her for being aggressive and stuff).

Pseudo eventually found out that she had leaked this, and banned her from the site. He then made a long post where he ranted about how it was her fault for not allowing him privacy and saying she was aggressive for trying to defend herself. He also made himself look like a complete idiot. He refused to apologise or even acknowledge that he had done anything wrong, and I doubt

Pseudo then found out that the woman in question had another username from back when she identified as male and did some bad things (transgender people who don't realise that they are trans tend to act in a really exaggerated way in order to hide the "feelings" they feel), and made this public. She had tried to put this past behind herself, and even spent money buying a new steam library.

This controversy caused pretty much the last of the Fig Hunters (including me) to leave the site (they had been steadily leaving after Pseudo left and started giving them abuse). So that's fun.

Any questions? But anyway, I may as well make this the official "rant about Pseudo" thread in order to keep it all contained.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you find out about this site?
Avatar of Lamphobic
To answer your question for me:

Been 4 weeks since the last post in the saga of "Everything Broke" and I decided to look around and for other things fig related.

When googling "Alora fane website" this is the 9th on the results list for me. (Not that I didn't already know about the website I was just looking to see if anyone else did.)
Besides the woman that Savage mentioned, there was also the 'big 5 bannings' which Pseudo made, causing quite a bit of controversy. This only added to his feeling that he's a victim, despite banning five active members of the community without any hint of an explanation.

Besides that, there's also the attacks on ST, the DDoS attacks on FH (which lead to the DUUUHpocalyse), and his general university life which he finds too stressful because of the amount of human interaction it entails.

There's probably other things, though, which only the secretive group of friends Pseudo has on ST know about.