Like the old site, here is a list of features that I need to get around to adding:
* Aspects * Plus-or-Minus Rating System * Plus Only (Appreciates) Rating System * Seven Category Rating System (Like on Archive) * Rules Page * Filters on Member List Page * "Performance" Tab on Profile Pages * Formatting Images, like SAN or [@LG] * "Community" Page * Polls * Appoint Moderators? [Don't ask to become mods!] * Notification when someone replies to something you posted, or friends you. * Watching threads. * Colour preview on Edit Profile page. * Allow users to have blogs. * Muting users. * Allow people to optionally have the people list on the left of chat. * Special shout out to classic fig~ * Stuff not seeming to work on mobile or IE. (Make them not use JS) * Mobile friendliness. * Unicode support.
The site is now open, yay! Post "opinions" and bugs here! Just remember that if you see a "500 error page" thing, then it should have emailed me, so I probably know about it already.