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Here are comments posted by SavageWolf!
Avatar of SavageWolf
Could you please stop making posts like this? They aren't really contributing anything.
Avatar of SavageWolf
So this is a website, it needs rules. May as well open up this thread for suggestions.

So yes, discuss rules. What rules should be used and what shouldn't.

When I get around to writing the rules, I'll use this thread for "information" on what people want and what they don't want.

Be involved in your site's politics.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Like the old site, here is a list of features that I need to get around to adding:

* Aspects
* Plus-or-Minus Rating System
* Plus Only (Appreciates) Rating System
* Seven Category Rating System (Like on Archive)
* Rules Page
* Filters on Member List Page
* "Performance" Tab on Profile Pages
* Formatting Images, like SAN or [@LG]
* "Community" Page
* Polls
* Appoint Moderators? [Don't ask to become mods!]
* Notification when someone replies to something you posted, or friends you.
* Watching threads.
* Colour preview on Edit Profile page.
* Allow users to have blogs.
* Muting users.
* Allow people to optionally have the people list on the left of chat.
* Special shout out to classic fig~
* Stuff not seeming to work on mobile or IE. (Make them not use JS)
* Mobile friendliness.
* Unicode support.

Less to do than on the last site, so that's nice.

If you have any suggestions, then post them here.
Avatar of SavageWolf
The site is now open, yay! Post "opinions" and bugs here! Just remember that if you see a "500 error page" thing, then it should have emailed me, so I probably know about it already.
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