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This comment was posted at Thread: To Do List and Features.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Like the old site, here is a list of features that I need to get around to adding:

* Aspects
* Plus-or-Minus Rating System
* Plus Only (Appreciates) Rating System
* Seven Category Rating System (Like on Archive)
* Rules Page
* Filters on Member List Page
* "Performance" Tab on Profile Pages
* Formatting Images, like SAN or [@LG]
* "Community" Page
* Polls
* Appoint Moderators? [Don't ask to become mods!]
* Notification when someone replies to something you posted, or friends you.
* Watching threads.
* Colour preview on Edit Profile page.
* Allow users to have blogs.
* Muting users.
* Allow people to optionally have the people list on the left of chat.
* Special shout out to classic fig~
* Stuff not seeming to work on mobile or IE. (Make them not use JS)
* Mobile friendliness.
* Unicode support.

Less to do than on the last site, so that's nice.

If you have any suggestions, then post them here.