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Here are comments posted by SavageWolf!
Avatar of SavageWolf
Does anyone even use this site? Like, the chat or PMs?
Avatar of Poseidon
I use this site more often after Fig Hunter crashed...
Avatar of Ooneykcall
I all but forgot about it for months, hmm.
Avatar of lgn15
I just signed up. I would really like this community to be more active..
I check it almost every day in case of activity. D:

I don't use the chat or PMs, though. I didn't notice this earlier because it wasn't on the activity feed. Maybe you should make activity feeding mandatory for all new thread starters, if you intend on continuing this. I don't know.
Avatar of SavageWolf
At the moment I have a system (which I am going to recode, when/if I get back to coding the engine) where events are specified as just an array. I'm going to change it so that it's still an array, but elements in that array are "actions". For example, the room manager thing will have a "changeRoom" method that returned an action. The actions would then play out in order, with the next one occurring after the previous and all that. This should handle a lot of things like menus and stuff as well, with the ability to cancel.

So basically, the "scripts" will be a JS file, basically. Maps are also JS file, but really they are just a single function call with an object, so maybe in the future I could change it to JSON. I don't really intend to encrypt it though, since it probably isn't that hard to decrypt it.
Avatar of SavageWolf
No idea, I should probably fix it or something. I want to remake it though, which is going to be hard considering my mental state.
Avatar of SavageWolf
So I'm making a game engine, a "general purpose" (I guess) game engine for 2D platformers and RPGs and basically anything that can be represented as stuff on a 2D plane.

I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for things I can add to the engine, like features and whatnot. Or if you want you can give a general overview of a game and I can see if it can/will work in my engine.

This isn't actually a promise to make any games, mind. So... Uh, no free labour for you. I'm just looking for things I've overlooked.
Avatar of SavageWolf
"I know she stands here convicted of murder, and the evidence is stacked against her, but I wish to ask the court... What is evidence? Does it not depend on your interpretation? Could this woman be only guilty under your own perception, maybe she is innocent, and the evidence is only there because you think it is. And also what is guilt? Isn't it an emotional state? Can we really build a society on abstract things like "guilt"?"
Avatar of SavageWolf
Guess I should start a topic or something. *shrugs*

So, what do you study in uni/college/school/whatever, and why? If you haven't been able to choose yet for some reason, then what do you want to study? What would you study if you had the chance? Are you studying what you want? Stuff like that.

This topic won't help, but it's worth a shot. *shrugs*
Avatar of SavageWolf
Could you stop doing this please?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Finally! Someone else posts in this! Was waiting for it. Now that you're here, let's taaaalk!
Or you run a zombie computer to visit the site every 10 minutes, navigate to the forum, and make a new thread titled a string of three random words from its dictionary. Then you have hits, posts, AND reasons to come! :D
And apparently double posting is still a thing. D:
Fine. ;—;

The only thing that's going to be lost here is the extra hits this site gets from us sending empty messages! :D
Avatar of SavageWolf
There; now stop posting empty posts.
I thought that I had actually written that in some blind madness. XD
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
I swear mine had a space, but that does nothing, apparently. D:
Avatar of SavageWolf
"From my COMPLETE IMPARTIALITY as a mod, Sarah (the person in question) decided she would leave the site as Lathiel and come back as BloodRedRose and claim Lathiel suicided and Onisuzume was to blame among other things. The mods (especially Silver) were suspicious from early on.
Anyway we were pretty sure she was the same person but we all decided not to ban because of the potential backlash of people who weren't aware of things (and besides, we couldn't prove it).

Anyway BRR dated ... for all of several days and they got mad at each other in a chat where BRR admitted she was Lathiel and some other stuff.
She is trans though I have no idea of the details, for some reason this part was important. She was annoying, and disrespectful to Silver and other, which is why I specifically spoke to her in chat- causing BRR to 'leave' Fighunter and the fight to ensue.

Yay. Drama." - Wolf
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
What's wonderfully awful of BRR to do.
Avatar of PixieSticks
If anyone wants to see the proof, in all it's delightfully cringeworthy glory, it's on BRR's userpage.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I guess I should update this and say that Lathiel did not kill herself. Instead she made an alt and started manipulating someone into "falling in love with her" and then breaking their heart.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
lolwut. That's a far cry from the original news.
Avatar of SavageWolf
"From my COMPLETE IMPARTIALITY as a mod, Sarah (the person in question) decided she would leave the site as Lathiel and come back as BloodRedRose and claim Lathiel suicided and Onisuzume was to blame among other things. The mods (especially Silver) were suspicious from early on.
Anyway we were pretty sure she was the same person but we all decided not to ban because of the potential backlash of people who weren't aware of things (and besides, we couldn't prove it).

Anyway BRR dated ... for all of several days and they got mad at each other in a chat where BRR admitted she was Lathiel and some other stuff.
She is trans though I have no idea of the details, for some reason this part was important. She was annoying, and disrespectful to Silver and other, which is why I specifically spoke to her in chat- causing BRR to 'leave' Fighunter and the fight to ensue.

Yay. Drama." - Wolf
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
What's wonderfully awful of BRR to do.
Avatar of PixieSticks
If anyone wants to see the proof, in all it's delightfully cringeworthy glory, it's on BRR's userpage.
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