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This comment was posted at Thread: What was your childhood game?.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I had both a Mega Drive and a N64 for much of my childhood. I never really tried to get other games or consoles. Anyway, interestingly, I never really thought of the N64 as more "superior" than the Mega Drive, interestingly.

I kinda miss those days. Without internet or new games. I wish I could go back to playing games for ages for fun, without playing to finish them or having strategy guides, or getting distracted by new games. Oh well.

I guess my favourite game was LoZ OoT despite spending years of my childhood being unable to figure out how to equip swords (I wasn't a very smart child), and then pretty much never figuring out how to sneak past the guards at the castle (I assumed you couldn't, because I couldn't find the gap in the guards). The overworld was just that good! I also Mario Kart and Mario Golf, but no Mario platformers, so I had no idea who the people were! :D Also Sonic. I had Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, and played the hell out of them. But I couldn't get past Labrynth zone (the boss; thought you had to kill it) or the Death egg (No rings! D:). I'm amazed that I only recently figured out a secret passage that let you skip the stupid part in Chemical Plant! That's good game design right there, I say! :D

Other than that, I have a lot of other games, but nothing particular of interest. Oh, except a game called "ball jacks" which had a funny name, I guess.

Anyway, thanks for making this thread; it's interesting and such!