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Thread: What was your childhood game?
Avatar of Brock
So, looking back, what was one of your childhood games that you grew up with? If it wasn't a game, what was it? I'd like to know the diversity and stuff of the people on this site, as I did several kids games when I was young, namely Backyard Baseball 2003... that'd be ten years ago. Basically, it was a sports game with a bunch of kids and they could play whatever sport they did amazingly. It also included pros as kids... which was odd to me now, but it didn't bother me at the time...

Anyway, the games were fairly easy (mainly because I was too scared of a kid to play hard level), but what they lacked in difficulty they made up for in diverse personalities. Each character was different and unique in their own way. For example, one of the backyard kids, Pablo Sanchez, was short and fat but spoke basic spanish. However, you figured out if you shift-clicked on him that he picked up spanish at a young age and spoke it all the time now. Another player in the game, Dante Robinson, was short with a big fro. He basically ate everything in sight, because he wanted to be really tall. Along with this, the game could also take itself rather seriously when you played the game. It actually taught me a few things about the sport, despite being a cartoon! So yes. I'm done ranting about my childhood.

So what did you play as a kid? Tell us!
Avatar of SavageWolf
I had both a Mega Drive and a N64 for much of my childhood. I never really tried to get other games or consoles. Anyway, interestingly, I never really thought of the N64 as more "superior" than the Mega Drive, interestingly.

I kinda miss those days. Without internet or new games. I wish I could go back to playing games for ages for fun, without playing to finish them or having strategy guides, or getting distracted by new games. Oh well.

I guess my favourite game was LoZ OoT despite spending years of my childhood being unable to figure out how to equip swords (I wasn't a very smart child), and then pretty much never figuring out how to sneak past the guards at the castle (I assumed you couldn't, because I couldn't find the gap in the guards). The overworld was just that good! I also Mario Kart and Mario Golf, but no Mario platformers, so I had no idea who the people were! :D Also Sonic. I had Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, and played the hell out of them. But I couldn't get past Labrynth zone (the boss; thought you had to kill it) or the Death egg (No rings! D:). I'm amazed that I only recently figured out a secret passage that let you skip the stupid part in Chemical Plant! That's good game design right there, I say! :D

Other than that, I have a lot of other games, but nothing particular of interest. Oh, except a game called "ball jacks" which had a funny name, I guess.

Anyway, thanks for making this thread; it's interesting and such!
Avatar of Macheman7
Final Fantasy Tactics.
I go on and on about it a lot, but it really formed me a lot as I am mow because of it's influence on me as a child.
Other than that, probanly Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, the game that inspired me to learn to read (I beat it before I could read. X3) and the Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past. Ialways got to Ganon before I got stuck; I didn't know about the Fat/Ugly/Great Fairy or the Fairy Sword or the Silver/Light Arrows.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Super Mario RPG sounds like a great game to grow up with, with all it's hidden secrets and stuff.
Avatar of Lamphobic
Same as Macheman. Final Fantasy Tactics. For the past 8-ish years whenever I look back at my childhood and wish I had more time for one specific game it's always been FFT. I never even finished it and still long to play it to this day (I say while in the process of setting up a Playstation 1 emulator right now). After that the games I'd say I spent the next most mount of time on can be split between Pikmen (1) and Paper Mario: Thousand Year door.
Avatar of SignerJ
My childhood game was Pokemon, more specifically, LeafGreen and Emerald versions. Those were my first console video games, and, really, my first video games in general. While I am only just now learning about the strategy involved in the games, they still provided me hundreds of hours of entertainment when I was younger, and probably will provide me just as much, if not more, in the future. Currently, I'm planning out various teams, each designed to beat a specific facility at the Battle Frontier.

Surprisingly, I still have my first save files for both of those games, though I am also about the restart them. For fun, of course.
Avatar of Shamash
I was born a little later than most of you guys, it seems. But my childhood game was probably The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker and Super Smash Brothers Melee. (I had a Gamecube, see.) I remember it very pleasantly, and being young at the time I just wandered around because I simply didn't understand what I was supposed to do to advance through the game (to be fair, it was pretty difficult without walkthroughs.) And getting 20 Joy Pendants seems like a sidequest.

But. Erm. Anyway. Yeah. That was it.
Avatar of Shadowstaar
My childhood game would have to be Kingdom Hearts. Loved that game growing up. Somehow, I've only beaten it once. Hm.

My history with video games is actually kinda weird. I didn't start really playing games until the PS2 happened, when I got a PS2 and Kingdom Hearts for Christmas. It's actually weird to remember that time when I was terrible at games. But, there it is. I loved playing this game growing up, but it wasn't because of the Disney characters or the... well, any of the characters. I loved it just because it was a fun game. I never really understood the story of the game back then, though. All I knew was that I was hitting dark creatures with a giant key and Donald Duck was a wizard. The plot kinda went over my head, mostly because I just wasn't paying any attention to it.
