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This comment was posted at Thread: What was your childhood game?.
Avatar of Shadowstaar
My childhood game would have to be Kingdom Hearts. Loved that game growing up. Somehow, I've only beaten it once. Hm.

My history with video games is actually kinda weird. I didn't start really playing games until the PS2 happened, when I got a PS2 and Kingdom Hearts for Christmas. It's actually weird to remember that time when I was terrible at games. But, there it is. I loved playing this game growing up, but it wasn't because of the Disney characters or the... well, any of the characters. I loved it just because it was a fun game. I never really understood the story of the game back then, though. All I knew was that I was hitting dark creatures with a giant key and Donald Duck was a wizard. The plot kinda went over my head, mostly because I just wasn't paying any attention to it.
