Fallen Fig ~ Motto
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This comment was posted at Comment: 646. It is a child as well, fancy that!
Avatar of SavageWolf
No, you can't.

And the thing I would do is to group people into a "radical" group, and all posts from them would be hidden from everyone else, I guess.
Avatar of Michos
Can I at least post this concept art of miasmon Studmuffin? Pretty please?

Grouping people like that sounds neat, but is the idea that their posts would be visible to other radical people, or would be invisible to everybody?
Because if it's the former, I'm sure some people (I'm not saying me, but probably me) would rather take pride in being put into that sort of 'elite club'. Maybe not necessary with a small community that you have here now, but with a bigger one, there would be people who'd intentionally try to get censored.
And if it's the latter, well, I fail to see the difference between that and regular ban+post removal.
Avatar of SavageWolf
... Please don't post that anywhere. I have no idea what rules it breaks but it must break some. ;_;

Anyway, the second thing I was thinking it would be visible to all the radical people. But that was a joke, and it doesn't work well in practice, I guess.