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Thread: The Amazing One-Sentence Story!
Avatar of Lazulus
Suddenly, the door to the cockpit opened, and the pilot entered carrying a gun, seemingly making everything more boring with his presence.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
The man seated next to the formerly-alive husband stood up, as this was what he was waiting for.
Avatar of donutsizzle
Using his gun-enhancing superpower, the man, unsurprisingly Gun Enhancement Lad of comicbook fame, transformed the pilot's firearm into a literal giant flame-licked arm, rippling, veiny, swoon-inducing muscles, holding a gun of its own, which looks like a double-barrel crossbow-launcher.

(Edited to fix verb tense)
Avatar of SignerJ
At that moment, taking advantage of the man's lapse in awareness caused by the use of his powers, Cyäegha tightly grabbed Gun Enhancement Lad around the neck with a tentacle and violently defenestrated him.

Avatar of Burnenbird
Meanwhile, exasperated by the rowdiness of the passengers and moderately unimpressed by her fellow cabin member's lack of professionalism, the flight attendant gingerly begins her routine tour of the plane with her crumpet-filled cart.

(good thread lads)
Avatar of donutsizzle
Cyäegha loosened her grip on her husband's windpipe long enough for him to ask the flight attendant, "I forgot my book in the airport and I was wondering whether you have anything more interesting to read than this drivel?" waving the remaining tatter of pamphlet.

Avatar of SignerJ
Since the pamphlet was eaten in a previous sentence, would "the remains of the pamphlet" be acceptable?
"FEK OFF YA BLOODY KUHNT" replied the flight attendant in her naturally serene, tranquil tone.
Avatar of Lazulus
'Okay there, now, lads and lassies, there's no need to make this into a great big situation when it doesn't need to get any bigger than it has already become at all at all,' said the pilot, doing his job beautifully.
The pilot stood in the gangway proudly, leaving the rest of the confused passengers in shock over who was flying the plane.
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