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Thread: The Amazing One-Sentence Story!
Avatar of Burnenbird
The proud American Eagle of Justice, Liberty and Freedom saw the terror that has, alas, befallen his country and swooped down majestically upon the airplane.
Avatar of Lazulus
With the almighty power of OMEGA-3 locked inside the tuna, the flight attendant became the smartest person on the planet and, using her telekinesis that all smart people have, tore open the 'roof' of the plane and let Liberty and Freedom inside.
Avatar of Lamphobic
Meanwhile on the top floor of the World Trade Center.
John Smith the average daily Joe Bloggs was preparing to make a jump out the top-floor window into the carefully placed marshmallow on the ground below.
Avatar of Shamash
As he jumped, the American Eagle of Justice saw the marshmallow and dove down to eat it.
Avatar of Shamash
As he jumped, the American Eagle of Justice saw the marshmallow and dove down to eat it.
"How terribly inconvenient," muttered John whilst passing the 52nd floor.
Avatar of Lazulus
(We would like to take this oppurtunity to apologise to anyone who was affected by 9/11, and to commemorate the passing of those who died that day.)
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