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Thread: The Amazing One-Sentence Story!
Avatar of Lazulus
He then set the final part of his plan in motion: Using the cloning machine on himself six times, and giving them their own dominions and retroactive backstories.
"This isn't what I signed up for!" screamed an irate actor, who now had various appendages sticking out of his body, "And my backstory is hardly entertaining at all!"
Avatar of Lazulus
'Are you saying that you think that being cast down from Valhallympus by Godin because you weren't prepared to disobey a previous order which contradicted the present one is boring, Lucifer?', asked Satan incredulously, in character.
Avatar of Lazulus
"Nou isn't in the story yet, you idiot!", shouted the towering actor playing Mammon from the back of the room.
"Screw you – I'm out," spoke the delirious actor as he strides out the room, leaving as noticeable hole in both the plot and the cast.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
(Seeing as this is dying, I'm going to tie it up now)
"Well, I guess I'm forced to retract my statement," Madam-Dame Pickleberry-Goose inserted oh-so helpfully; "I guess interesting things DO happen on airplanes."
Avatar of Lazulus
'I know,' said her husband, looking up from his copy of the Aeroplane Safety Booklet, with a knowing smile.
"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" enquired the narrator again.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
"Uh, no? It was aaaaaal in your imaaaaginaaaation!," the husband said convincingly to the narrator.
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