Fallen Fig ~ Motto
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Hello! This is Fallen Fig, a website to continue the legacy of a site called Fig Hunter. It's a community site for those that Pseudo has cast aside.

It isn't, a site designed only for "cynical logical-minded males", they are certainly welcome though. It's more of a site for people to discuss things, to make friends, and to have deep discussions on various things.

If you are not a member of Fig Hunter, feel free to join! We aren't an exclusive club or anything!
Here is a comments area, where you can start your journey into the wonderfull world of hunting figs. No, not like that. Get your mind out the gutter.
Avatar of BarleyCrossroad
Saaaaaavvvaaaage~ Fix the chat please~
Avatar of DuogDuogDuog
He has been informed by me and Kenji about the chatroom having problems since we don't know if anyone else told him. Don't worry, in the name of his chatroom, it was spammed mercilessly in order for it to be saved, as spamming the chatroom continually freezes the chatroom for a couple minutes to a brief moment or several seconds depending if there are more or only one user in the chatroom.
Avatar of MerlinMe
I blame this on rouge seating garments.
Avatar of jaredino
this site is the bomb, Savage really did a great job. The logos might not be as pretty, but the overall design of the site is way better in my opinion. Plus now that Fighunter is down this is pretty much the only place to hang out with fighuntery people.
Avatar of thewooter

I do wonder what its going to be used for later though! Having a url that people regularly visit is a great resource..
Avatar of TTopHat
Okay, it's been long enough. I'll be active here now, I suppose.

...good thing we had this beforehand, I guess.
Avatar of BarleyCrossroad
It is sad ... but nonetheless, welcome!
Avatar of Avarion

It bothers me that Pseudo's still updating AF whilst apparently either not knowing or just ignoring that FH is down. -_- Also makes the lack of a community a problem on AF as we have no way of contacting him to try and get him to fix it. :(
Avatar of BarleyCrossroad
I believe he's given up on the communit(ies). Chances are the ONLY reason he'll fix or update it, or even keep it, will be to continue to receive ad revenue ... especially if his games do not bring in the income he's fantasizing about, which I have suspicions they won't bring in the income he desires, primarily because he isn't appealing to any particular audience (which is what you do if you want the $$ to flow in!).
Avatar of Avarion
Agreed, but I'd go a step further. I don't know if this is still correct but a while ago Pseudo said that traffic to FH was at least double what AF was getting. More than likely I'd imagine a whole bunch of what is left of FH's community will eventually give up and won't even bother checking AF to see how that's going. Pseudo isn't just failing to appeal to any audience in particular, but if he doesn't fix FH soon he'll alienate the majority of the audience that was interested in what was going on in the first place.

Not a good move either way.
To be honest, the main reason why AF gets so little traffic would be because he doesn't allow anyone on there. The only reason to bother typing in that URL is to view an indecisive and, in my opinion, fickle blog that has no predictable schedule. At least, on FH, there was some user-generated content – even if that was equally sporadic. AF would serve better as a personal diary.

But whacking things is bad, so I will stop doing that now. Everyone loves Pseudo, deep inside; you've just got to let your specifically turquoise rainbow shiiiine. :D
Even if we did message him, I doubt anything would happen for a long time. We all know how long it took to fix major bugs (if at all), or even update the 'weekly' blog. Because Pseudo didn't really bother enough about it, and now that FH is just a relic he keeps on his database bookshelf gathering dust, nothing's going to happen for a long time. Unless you spam him, in which case he might fix it to get us to shut up, or, conversely, just shut down FH completely. Gambling is fun.
Avatar of deferentsheep
In fact, he cares so little about his communities in general that the settings changing script on soultome contains a syntax error. It's been there for a week or so now, so yeah, if he isn't even fixing soultome he's never going to fix fighunter. [Hooray for responsive site admins!]
Avatar of SavageWolf
Did he ever fix that thing on his site where requesting any of his "update profile" pages with GET (or otherwise without enough POST data) would cause your profile data to be erased? So basically your profile could be erased by any website on the internet that wanted to, hell, I think your browser is technically allowed to make a GET request to it as well for any reason...
Look, Pseudo never really was an amazing site host, to be honest. He didn't really engage with his audience outside a few polls he didn't respond to, and generally shunned the demographic he was attracting (which he's trying so hard to alter!). FH's life is over; time to move on, sadly. I mean, we've still got here (right, Savage? D:), and everywhere else that we're fragmentarily conglomerated around! :D

About the linky glitch: you can. You just need to put the 'www.' in the URL. ;3
And I appear to have double posted. Oops.
Avatar of BarleyCrossroad
What shall we do on this site? We need some sort of game or activity we can all do. XD
Forum, chatroom, dancing erotically in front of a camera on Omegle.
Avatar of SwordGuardian
While it's very upsetting that FH is down, at least this site will get some activity!(^_^) I honestly forgot this place existed there for a while!
Avatar of BarleyCrossroad
Yes, it is a nice cozy nook to be. Maybe SavageWolf should send out an email to all existing members saying "Come along, fighunter is down so we can retreat here!" Or something.
Avatar of SwordGuardian
That *does* sound like a good way to get more people together. Perhaps that could work...

I'm actually beginning to wonder if Fig will ever be back. It's been a while since the site went down.
Avatar of Macheman7
So, the site's down.
What's up with you fffffforkers?
Avatar of AzureEdge
Hey what's up with FH? Weird how I don't check on it for a week and it disappears. The chat on this site doesn't load on Chrome and lags in IE for me.
Avatar of SavageWolf
One of Pseudo's circlejerk sites got hacked, Pseudo changed his database password despite that not being what got hacked, Pseudo didn't care enough about FH to change it in FH's config file. At least, that's what I think based on the error message I was given.
Avatar of Poseidon
Nah, that's exactly what must have happened...
Triggered. I actually identify as spoonkin and find that highly problematic, you offensive mass of [censored].
Avatar of Macheman7
Alright, spoony.
So whats up with you, spoony Spap?
My head is up, though if I were to do a handstand it would indeed be down, relative to my overall body positioning, as one were so to say, indeed. Myes. :3
Avatar of BarleyCrossroad
Not a whole lot, Mache! :D Sad that the site is down. But at least we have here. XD What'cha up to? (I'll hang around the chat room for a bit.)
Avatar of Macheman7
Ah, a'ight. I've been playing Anti-Idle: The Game and updating some apps on my Kindle Fire this morning, since I got up at 6 and our internet works faster from 2 to 7 A.M. Hwee.
Avatar of deferentsheep
[abuses Savage for his inability to spell "likely" and also for the way that putting square brackets around this sentence rather than asterisks creates a link despite the fact that "abuses" is clearly not a URL]

[subsequently abuses self because Savage was right]
Avatar of SavageWolf
Uhm, if you use square brackets only the first word is a URL... Everything else is the text that will appear in the link.

Also, you can suppress the behavior by putting \ before it, apparently.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Does anyone even use this site? Like, the chat or PMs?
Avatar of Poseidon
I use this site more often after Fig Hunter crashed...
Avatar of Ooneykcall
I all but forgot about it for months, hmm.
Avatar of lgn15
I just signed up. I would really like this community to be more active..
I check it almost every day in case of activity. D:

I don't use the chat or PMs, though. I didn't notice this earlier because it wasn't on the activity feed. Maybe you should make activity feeding mandatory for all new thread starters, if you intend on continuing this. I don't know.
Whoa, tone it down there, man.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Whoa, tone it up there, man.
I find your attitude repulsive, sir. I strongly suggest you consider painting your walls lime green.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Instead, I shall paint it the opposite of green, magenta. Just to spite you, sir.
What is even happening any more.

And, Deferent... The em-dash sad face is my face and my face alone! >:[
Avatar of deferentsheep
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