Fallen Fig ~ Motto
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Hello! This is Fallen Fig, a website to continue the legacy of a site called Fig Hunter. It's a community site for those that Pseudo has cast aside.

It isn't, a site designed only for "cynical logical-minded males", they are certainly welcome though. It's more of a site for people to discuss things, to make friends, and to have deep discussions on various things.

If you are not a member of Fig Hunter, feel free to join! We aren't an exclusive club or anything!
Here is a comments area, where you can start your journey into the wonderfull world of hunting figs. No, not like that. Get your mind out the gutter.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Could you stop doing this please?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Finally! Someone else posts in this! Was waiting for it. Now that you're here, let's taaaalk!
Or you run a zombie computer to visit the site every 10 minutes, navigate to the forum, and make a new thread titled a string of three random words from its dictionary. Then you have hits, posts, AND reasons to come! :D
And apparently double posting is still a thing. D:
Fine. ;—;

The only thing that's going to be lost here is the extra hits this site gets from us sending empty messages! :D
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
This is probably an offensive post and I probably should bee "banned 4 lyfe" for posting it; how ashamed I must be!
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
No, it's literally what I put. The latter, I mean.
Dammit, you fooled me. D:
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Did you not stop to consider that that replay was edited!? You fool! DOUBT ME. DOUBT EVERYTHING. AGH, WHAT IS THIS I DONT EVEN
This is confusing. ;—;
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
tl;dr mind games. The first post was never edited.
I think the former. :3
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
GUYS does anyone come around here anymore?
Avatar of SavageWolf
So if there was more topics and stuff, you people would reply and stuff... o_O
I come here almost every day to check the activity page for, uhm, new activity.

I probably make up around 3 of those visits per day. :D
Avatar of SavageWolf
According to Google Analytics, it seems that there are around 5 - 20 sessions each day.
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
I'm probably at least one of those every day.
Avatar of SavageWolf
A common "flow" is to start on the page /users/~Cipherfalcon, go to the chat and then to the activity page.

Because apparently tracking that kind of stuff isn't stalkerish.
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
omg thats leik wut i do evry day r u a wizard?
Avatar of TTopHat
I also have an interest in cocks; would it be appropriate for me to join in with your intercourse?
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
I also would like to partake in these activities; is there facilities for one more person.
Avatar of SavageWolf
There; now stop posting empty posts.
I thought that I had actually written that in some blind madness. XD
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
I swear mine had a space, but that does nothing, apparently. D:
Avatar of SavageWolf
I guess I should clarify some things,

The following are NOT bannable offences:
* Finding bugs in the site (please tell me though, and don't exploit them)
* Navigating to URLs that are invalid.
* Being autistic or transgender.
* Having a post colour that is similar but not the same as the admin only colour.
* Linking to a game similar to one I am already making.
* SHIFT+Clicking on the site.
But what if you do it offensively?!
Avatar of SavageWolf
People do it in any other way? I refuse to believe that people break the site to try to help me at all! It's always because they want to show off and they are so critical! ;_;

I guess I should also clear up that I don't hate autistic or transgender, it's just we are incompatible. I just refuse to understand what transgenderism is and consider them not meeting stereotypes of their gender to be a bad thing. I'm not transphobic though! I have friends who are trans! All of which thought what I said was terrible, but they are still my friends! So it counts! I wish people wouldn't violate my privacy though! Ugh. I mean, can't a man have a rant about how terrible a transgender person is without repercussion? I need my catharsis!

And autistic people lack empathy! I've not researched this very much, and I won't because most of the stuff I read doesn't paint them in a negative light. I'd rather just completely ignore whatever they say and consider it justifiable as a reason to have them banned. I mean, there was this person with autism (diagnosed by me, of course) who would always enter my personal space, so all autistic people must be like that. Sure I could have told him I found it a problem, but it's not like people change at all. Especially not autistic people. I've heard that not all autistic people are the same, but screw that! Categorising people has gotten me this far already and I'm so empathic that I see people as groups of categories rather than as personalities!

Also, back to the "real world", I guess I should point out that Mega wasn't banned due to his colour; that was a misunderstanding. My bad. And most of it was for decompiling Miasmon.
Avatar of Michos
But savage, he was . I was there when Wolf was pointing out on the chat that Mega got banned for using admins color and telling people to shiftclick the title screen. The post where he linked to decompiled miasmon got removed several hours after Mega got banned. They retconned it not to look like idiots.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Wolf said that he didn't ban him, and that he wasn't 100% sure on the reason. Which I kinda believe because the mods have real communication problems amongst themselves. Also, remember that only Pseudo can remove posts, which I guess is why it took so long.
Avatar of Michos
he # gave a screenshot # of mega posting on the chat and said it was the reason for banning him.
I see no reason to hold onto a screenshot of somebody just posting on the chat if it was not supposed to be evidence.
And even if it was not the color thingy, that still means he got banned for pointing out a bug/undocumented feature in an unreleased and unfinished game.
That is as valid a reason as banning somebody for buying AdventureaJacket
Avatar of SavageWolf
Again, Wolf didn't ban Mega, and he has no authority to say why he was banned. And Mega (supposedly) decompiled the game, rather than just exploiting a bug.
Avatar of Michos
It doesn't matter who banned him.
What matters is that they had the screenshot.
This one
Wolf was not around when Megabdi was saying that. From Sinapi being a friend, I am assuming the screenshot was taken by Mania.
I see no reason to save this, nor to share it with other people, and especially no reason to give it to mods. Unless this is some kind of incriminating evidence.

Also, >assuming Mega is smart enough to decompile the game
That's apparently not a word, but I understand what you're heading for. Haha. ;—;
Avatar of Michos
>Having a post colour that is similar but not the same as the admin only colour.
>SHIFT+Clicking on the site.
I withdraw all my previous complaints about you, you are a much more competent law upholder than some other people with 'wolf' in their names.
Avatar of Michos
I'm not gonna question reasoning of your censorship practices mr Savage, but what I am going to ask is, why, an earth, did you decide to remove my post a whole week after I made it, and not immediately?
Seems weird to me.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Because you didn't check the "Show in activity page" thing (or it wasn't implemented then) and so I didn't see it until someone replied to it. I'd be the worst China ever.

But anyway, please don't post links to "cracked" things, okay.
Avatar of Michos
Can I post uncracked things obtained in a similarly illegal matter, along with instructions on how to crack them on your own? It really is the matter of replacing about 2 or 3 bytes of the file.

Also, you are one of the worse chinas I've met. Not that I'm giving you ideas on how to be oppressive, but an alternative to removing posts you could just hide them from general view, but not from the author . Leaving them completely unsuspecting .

Edit: Did your formatting syntax lie to me, or have I just not earned it, because I didn't follow he rules?
Edit2: Ah, forgot spaces.
You Should still punish people by taking away their text formatting rights.
Avatar of SavageWolf
No, you can't.

And the thing I would do is to group people into a "radical" group, and all posts from them would be hidden from everyone else, I guess.
Avatar of Michos
Can I at least post this concept art of miasmon Studmuffin? Pretty please?

Grouping people like that sounds neat, but is the idea that their posts would be visible to other radical people, or would be invisible to everybody?
Because if it's the former, I'm sure some people (I'm not saying me, but probably me) would rather take pride in being put into that sort of 'elite club'. Maybe not necessary with a small community that you have here now, but with a bigger one, there would be people who'd intentionally try to get censored.
And if it's the latter, well, I fail to see the difference between that and regular ban+post removal.
Avatar of SavageWolf
... Please don't post that anywhere. I have no idea what rules it breaks but it must break some. ;_;

Anyway, the second thing I was thinking it would be visible to all the radical people. But that was a joke, and it doesn't work well in practice, I guess.
Avatar of DeeKayFTW
Woah, this site is still kinda alive.

>Daily reminder that SavageWolf doesn't hash your passwords and they are visible to anyone who can access his database (including him).
The amount of annoyance you could cause with this password is... surprisingly low. :3
Avatar of SavageWolf
Uhm... I do hash your passwords? What? o_O

Although you shouldn't assume that, or assume that I can keep a secret site. Or anyone can. Different passwords for different services, people.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
So they are hashed, right? What hash and are they salted?
Avatar of SavageWolf
"By default, Django uses the PBKDF2 algorithm with a SHA256 hash, a password stretching mechanism recommended by NIST."

I have no idea what any of this means! :D But yes, they are salted.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
In other words, significantly better than this one site that recently got hacked that I used used.
Avatar of DeeKayFTW
I'm referring to your argument with Michos all those months ago.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Glad to know people still make fun of me for things that I can't even remember...
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Is anyone else having trouble accessing FigHunter proper at the moment?
Edit: It's back, for me, so never mind.
Edit2: My browser/internet was just being really, really dumb.
Avatar of thewooter
Im having that now, what was the problem?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
I think it was just my internet crapping. It still does that periodically for various sites.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Pseudo's shoddy programming?
So, is anything going to actually happen here or are we just going to, well, not do anything...?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Guys, I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave a brief comment in the forum thread I just created. And possibly ask fellow hunters who occasionally visit this site but still main on the other one to just say what they think. If we're lucky, it could breathe some life-blood into our community.
I am writing this comment as a little advertisement.


Remember to make a nation (or revive), and share the fun. :D
I look forward to seeing you. Or not. :3

Oh, and the password is 'Choleric'.
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
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