Fallen Fig ~ Motto
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Hello! This is Fallen Fig, a website to continue the legacy of a site called Fig Hunter. It's a community site for those that Pseudo has cast aside.

It isn't, a site designed only for "cynical logical-minded males", they are certainly welcome though. It's more of a site for people to discuss things, to make friends, and to have deep discussions on various things.

If you are not a member of Fig Hunter, feel free to join! We aren't an exclusive club or anything!
Here is a comments area, where you can start your journey into the wonderfull world of hunting figs. No, not like that. Get your mind out the gutter.
Avatar of donutsizzle
In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.

Avatar of Macheman7
This is a comment, because just in case. I will probably only use this site if Fig Hunter completely goes kasplooey though, so. Don't expect to see me often.
Avatar of spopo
Avatar of TTopHat
So uh...are we gonna move ever?

Maybe we should, and then we can stop bitching about Pseudo.
Avatar of TASIP
But why stop bitching about Pseudolonewolf? Bitching is human's(including figgies ofc) greatest skill.

Who doesn't want doing things they do best anyway?
Totally not. Moving over may result in bad things. You know, baaaaad things. Things that are not good. Bad. Not good. Bad bad good good bad bad good bad bad good bad. Bad. Good.

Avatar of PixieSticks
Much website. Very copy. Such refuge. Wow. So community.
Avatar of Heiveld
Hey, you know you love us!
Avatar of Heiveld
Here I am, there you are. Why does it seem so far?
Are you looking for me?
Avatar of Darthakin
Not really, just wo ndering where you'd head off to after Fig.
Avatar of SwordGuardian
This site has more working features! I like it! :)

Uh, does this mean I'm the first to comment here?(O_O)
Avatar of Hyphero
Yes. You deserve a medal.
Avatar of SwordGuardian
Yay!(^-^) What kind of medal do I get? Is it silver?? Please!!!
Avatar of TASIP
You get bronze, for I am the 3rd user here. The king of bronze is I.
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