In fact, he cares so little about his communities in general that the settings changing script on soultome contains a syntax error. It's been there for a week or so now, so yeah, if he isn't even fixing soultome he's never going to fix fighunter. [Hooray for responsive site admins!]
Did he ever fix that thing on his site where requesting any of his "update profile" pages with GET (or otherwise without enough POST data) would cause your profile data to be erased? So basically your profile could be erased by any website on the internet that wanted to, hell, I think your browser is technically allowed to make a GET request to it as well for any reason...
Look, Pseudo never really was an amazing site host, to be honest. He didn't really engage with his audience outside a few polls he didn't respond to, and generally shunned the demographic he was attracting (which he's trying so hard to alter!). FH's life is over; time to move on, sadly. I mean, we've still got here (right, Savage? D:), and everywhere else that we're fragmentarily conglomerated around! :D
About the linky glitch: you can. You just need to put the 'www.' in the URL. ;3