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Here are comments posted by SAPPHIROS!
Fine. ;—;

The only thing that's going to be lost here is the extra hits this site gets from us sending empty messages! :D
Avatar of SavageWolf
Could you stop doing this please?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Finally! Someone else posts in this! Was waiting for it. Now that you're here, let's taaaalk!
Or you run a zombie computer to visit the site every 10 minutes, navigate to the forum, and make a new thread titled a string of three random words from its dictionary. Then you have hits, posts, AND reasons to come! :D
And apparently double posting is still a thing. D:
Fine. ;—;

The only thing that's going to be lost here is the extra hits this site gets from us sending empty messages! :D
Avatar of SavageWolf
Could you stop doing this please?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Finally! Someone else posts in this! Was waiting for it. Now that you're here, let's taaaalk!
Or you run a zombie computer to visit the site every 10 minutes, navigate to the forum, and make a new thread titled a string of three random words from its dictionary. Then you have hits, posts, AND reasons to come! :D
And apparently double posting is still a thing. D:
Fine. ;—;

The only thing that's going to be lost here is the extra hits this site gets from us sending empty messages! :D
Avatar of SavageWolf
Could you stop doing this please?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Finally! Someone else posts in this! Was waiting for it. Now that you're here, let's taaaalk!
Or you run a zombie computer to visit the site every 10 minutes, navigate to the forum, and make a new thread titled a string of three random words from its dictionary. Then you have hits, posts, AND reasons to come! :D
And apparently double posting is still a thing. D:
Fine. ;—;

The only thing that's going to be lost here is the extra hits this site gets from us sending empty messages! :D
I don't have, and haven't looked for, a source on that subject. That's why I said 'apparently'. If I find one I'll edit this and add it in. Otherwise, assume that I was misinformed and blargleblarg. :3

Okay, apparently they do exist. And in quite a few numbers. The Aum Shinrikyo was based upon Buddhist teachings. Through history there have been numerous Buddhist warriors who 'purged' the land of certain factions. Lots of stuff. There's even actual teachings of violence by Buddhist doctrine, according to the Wikipedia page.

• Buddhism and violence
• War in Buddhist history

There's probably more specific articles available, but Wikipedia tends to have them all in a big compendium. And Wikipedia makes you automatically right in debates because that's how debating works. Cite Wikipedia. Get money. :D
Yeah, that's true. Religion or religious beliefs have been the reason or a contribution to several aggressions in history and now. Unless you're a pantheist, or inclusivist/pluralist religion. That way there's nothing wrong!!1 I mean, I haven't ever heard of a single problem with Bahai aggression, though apparently Buddhist terrorists exist. Which is rather confusing. I don't really understand how that works.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
This is here because my internet was crapping.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
"though apparently Buddhist terrorists exist"

lolwut. I'm inclined to ask for a source here.
...what how is that even a thing?
I don't have, and haven't looked for, a source on that subject. That's why I said 'apparently'. If I find one I'll edit this and add it in. Otherwise, assume that I was misinformed and blargleblarg. :3

Okay, apparently they do exist. And in quite a few numbers. The Aum Shinrikyo was based upon Buddhist teachings. Through history there have been numerous Buddhist warriors who 'purged' the land of certain factions. Lots of stuff. There's even actual teachings of violence by Buddhist doctrine, according to the Wikipedia page.

• Buddhism and violence
• War in Buddhist history

There's probably more specific articles available, but Wikipedia tends to have them all in a big compendium. And Wikipedia makes you automatically right in debates because that's how debating works. Cite Wikipedia. Get money. :D
Of course, Mr Pink. :3

I mean, this is our current talky place on here. I'm going to keep responding with something inane until nobody else responds. Then it will stagnate and die until someone else picks it up.

On another note, back on Fig a bunch of people are arguing about religion and how it's bad and stuff. I only glanced over the comment chain, but it appeared to be mostly about how religion hinders science.

In my opinion, that is completely false in several ways. There's that famous quote that the Dalai Lama gave about Buddhism changing if science proves something false (go check Wikiquote or something if you want the exact one). Judaism both traditionally and in the Talmud (religious commentary to the Bible) advocates debate and scientific experimentation for the development of humankind and as a form of truth-seeking, and almost demands that you question your beliefs on spirituality so that you don't go off path or anything strange (extremists... >:[). Jesus wandered around wanting questions asked so he could answer them to the best of his ability, and thus provoke understanding on both sides (although sometimes he gave a few overly-vague, half-meaning answers which are 'deep' and stuff). I don't believe Christianity (by which I mean things that are included in the Old Testament and Jesus' teachings, not the letters John and Paul sent) says anything negative about science. I don't believe Sikhism and Hinduism block science.

Really, it's just the latter section of the Qur'an which goes on about executing people who disbelieve and stuff. All in all, they seem to be messing up the idea that the religions themselves aren't really too bad, and it's really just the people going mad about it. But, then again, none of us like to be told we're wrong. The Dark Ages wasn't dictated by or a subsequence of Christianity's teachings, but more of the Church going mad with power. Heretics would lower their power, thus to maintain it they must silence science. And stuff.

At least, that's my understanding. I don't really want a duplicate argument over here, but I'd invite friendly discussion and stuff. It'd start some talking, at least. :D

So, yeah. That's that. I didn't want to write on Fig because I didn't want an onslaught of people telling me I'm wrong (OH THE IRONY) and stuff. Well, it's more of how people there tend to be aggressive it seems on this topic. Anyone have any opinions? :3
Yep. Threads tend to do that.
This is confusing. ;—;
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
tl;dr mind games. The first post was never edited.
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