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Here are comments posted by Hyphero!
Avatar of Hyphero
Internet Trolls are just assholes.

Trolls probably aren't fae in the first place, but they are probably more fae-like than goblins.
Avatar of Hyphero
It all depends. I don't know an official definition.

Trolls really don't seem to be too fey to me.
Avatar of Hyphero
Well, demons are more alluring, but less beautiful.

It really depends on your perception.
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
Everything depends on the perception or portrayal or something of any given thing, based off of someone's existing preferences or opinions. Maybe. :D
I think sometimes people might consider some fae to be demons, and some demons to be fae, and such, as well.
Avatar of Hyphero
I would hope it's good, or at least decent.

What I mean by fae is any fey being. These usually tend to pop up in folklore and other sources.

Faeries (the real ones) count, but Disney fairies do not count.

Examples of fae: Faery, Nymph, Goblin (somehow, this is fae), Troll (more understandable than the last one, no, really. And I don't mean Internet troll, those aren't fae at all.), Sylph, Phooka, Nuckelavee, Sidhe, Wisp, and Leprechaun (weird).
Avatar of uugr
I must note that you described internet trolls as not fae. I must say, this egregious oversimplification offends me to my very core. Have you considered the possibility that, say, a goblin could just walk up to a computer and start typing in offensive things like... like... "Internet trolls aren't fae."

I knew it! You thought you could hide your clever schemes, but I knew better. You're one of those crazy fae with their water pistols and spray paints! When will you ridiculous mythological folklore beings learn not to mess up honest people's lawns like you so often do!111111!!!!7!!!!!psi!!!! I'll call the cops, gosh dern it!!!111!!!!numbers!!!!!!h!!! I'll arrest you vandals! JUST YOU WAIT!!
Avatar of Hyphero
Internet Trolls are just assholes.

Trolls probably aren't fae in the first place, but they are probably more fae-like than goblins.
Avatar of Hyphero
This is a system for categorizing the power or influence something has.

Tier power is E < D < C < B < A < S.

The lower the number, the more powerful it is within the tier.

E-tier - Below Specifications

An insect - E9
A small rodent - E8
A large rodent - E7
A low range cat/dog - E6
The average cat - E5
The average dog - E4
A red-shirt - E3
A person in the low range - E2
A person more noticeably below the curve - E1
A person slightly below the curve - E0

D-tier - Local Zone

A totally normal person, nothing more, nothing less - D9
A person slightly above the curve - D8
A person more noticeably above the curve - D7
A person in the normal high range - D6
A trained person - D5
A highly trained person - D4
A ridiculously trained person - D3
A rare few of people - D2
A Z-list superhero - D1
A F-list superhero - D0

C-tier - Regional Zone

A space marine - C9
A trained space marine - C8
A highly trained space marine - C7
A ridiculously trained space marine - C6
A low-priority super soldier - C5
A D-list superhero - C4
An average super soldier - C3
A natural super soldier - C2
A trained super soldier - C1
A well trained super soldier - C0

B-tier - World Zone

A C-list superhero - B9
The average Dungeons and Dragons paragon hero - B8
A trained Dungeons and Dragons paragon hero - B7
A space commander - B6
A field marshal - B5
A NetHack demigod - B4
The average Dungeons and Dragons epic hero - B3
A trained Dungeons and Dragons epic hero - B2
An actual demigod - B1
A munchkin in Dungeons and Dragons - B0

A-tier - Galactic Zone

The Death Star - A9
A lesser god - A8
The Dragonborn, level 81 - A7
Q from Star Trek - A6
A B-list superhero - A5
The Dungeon Master - A4
The Dark One - A3
World Eater - A2
An A-list superhero - A1
A mid-range deity - A0


The Reality Warper - S9
Sephiroth - S8
Jörmungandr - S7
Demogorgon - S6
A greater deity - S5
Tiamat - S4
Bahamut - S3
Io - S2
It all ends here... - S1
The Grand Creator Of ALL Things, In All That Is Sacred - S0


You can submit your own ratings like this: Chuck Norris - S1

If you have something less powerful than an insect, F0 to F9 ratings may be used (sparingly).

Practically NOTHING will be more powerful than The Grand Creator, so don't use *9 to *0.

These things need ratings:

Bruce Lee
A ridiculously trained Dungeons and Dragons epic hero
Robin Hood
Urist McDwarf
A monkey
Charles Darwin
Corellon Larethian
Avatar of Hyphero
there are villages behind the ggd, but no buildings.
Avatar of Hyphero
This allows anyone to jump in at any time.
Avatar of Lazulus
Oh, brillant! I should be able to join in soon enough, though.
Avatar of Hyphero
I accept this character, though I'd like a longer bio and a less munchkinned (loveton of oil, really?) character.
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