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Thread: Would you rather...
Avatar of fs627
I would rather look exactly like Nick Cage, there's no telling what he might do if he were in my body for a week.

Would you rather be trapped indefinitely in a glass tank filled with spiders or snakes?
Avatar of spopo
(Savvy, could you please change the category of this thread to "Forum Games"?)


Would you rather suffer childbirth or a well timed and powerful kick in the nuts?
Avatar of Drake
well timed and powerful, not least because the former implies a child to take care of

would you rather that there be a heaven and hell (assume that: exactly equal numbers of people go to each, the level suffering felt in hell is exactly equivalent to the amount of pleasure felt in heaven), or that there be neither?
Avatar of spopo
Neither. Heaven and hell act as incentives for people to do good and reduce global suffering, yet the way you put it implies people will experience heightened happiness at the expense of the suffering of others, which makes it a grim concept.

Would you rather start a revolution (and cause great pain and conflict) to improve society (In your eyes), or maintain peace at the expense of perfection?
(Consider both Hitler's campaign and the Civil Rights Movement as examples)
Avatar of Drake
no, because the overwhelming majority of revolutions do not result in anything resembling the intended society

would you rather be a professional pianist or a professional trumpeter?
Avatar of Voukras
Hard choice. Probably pianist because it would make me look more refined than I am. I do have a soft spot for Louis Armstrong, but still, a piano vibes with me more.

Would you rather live in permanent scorching summer or everlasting freezing winter? Assume snow is not an issue.
Avatar of Hyphero
Freezing winter, as cold is easier to mitigate.

Would you rather have rationing for water or have red tape for water usage fees?
Avatar of Drake
rationing, because i am statist scum

would you rather be infamous or not notable?
Avatar of Hyphero
Not notable, as I don't want to be looked down upon.

Would you rather have the ability to fly only 5 meters above the ground, or have the ability to use super speed, but for only 1 second every hour?
Avatar of spopo
Assuming that the super speed is fast enough to let me do atleast an hour's worth of work within that second: Super speed ftw!

Would you rather have ignorance and happiness, or knowledge and depression?
1 - 2 - 3