Look like Nick Cage for a month I would not want anyone to possess my body. Plus he's not a terrible actor!
Would you rather starve yourself for three days with only water and no food whatsoever if it meant you would win 10 million dollars or kill a person for 10 million dollars?
For spopo: knowledge and depression. Don't those two automatically come paired together?
For DarkDragon10: I'd rather starve myself. Not only would it be an interesting challenge, but I would like to believe that I would never kill someone else solely for my personal gain.
Would you rather be kind and lonely or popular and a jerk?
DarkDragon10 : I too, made that mistake earlier and then edited my post xD
SavageWolf : The "More" button is not attention grabbing enough. As I said earlier we also need some way to navigate pages directly. Look at some other forums and you would get some ideas.