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Here are comments posted by Shadowstaar!
Avatar of Shadowstaar
My childhood game would have to be Kingdom Hearts. Loved that game growing up. Somehow, I've only beaten it once. Hm.

My history with video games is actually kinda weird. I didn't start really playing games until the PS2 happened, when I got a PS2 and Kingdom Hearts for Christmas. It's actually weird to remember that time when I was terrible at games. But, there it is. I loved playing this game growing up, but it wasn't because of the Disney characters or the... well, any of the characters. I loved it just because it was a fun game. I never really understood the story of the game back then, though. All I knew was that I was hitting dark creatures with a giant key and Donald Duck was a wizard. The plot kinda went over my head, mostly because I just wasn't paying any attention to it.

Avatar of Shadowstaar
...Care to elaborate? Or are you messing with me?
Avatar of SavageWolf
I'm just messing with you. Saying you have nothing to say is saying something about it.
Avatar of Shadowstaar
I have nothing to say on the first question, as I don't know anything about that.

As for the second, well... He's a hypocritical asshole, plain and simple. I would elaborate, but everything I have to say about that has been said already, so I don't feel the need to reiterate. But honestly, I'm not mad at him or annoyed with him or anything. He's a guy that made some flash games I used to like that turned into a hypocritical asshole because of a series of faecesty (and possibly self-induced) events, and I see no signs of this changing in the near future. So I guess you could say that my opinion on him is that I don't like him and that he does, to a limited extent, piss me off. But then you take a step back, look at the whole picture, and realize that getting pissed off isn't going to help anyone (especially if you're the vocal type). In fact, it's likely going to make everything worse. So, I choose to simply let it be now.

If this post contains any possible contradictions, please let me know.
Avatar of SavageWolf
"I have nothing to say on the first question, as I don't know anything about that."

You hypocrite!
Avatar of Shadowstaar
...Care to elaborate? Or are you messing with me?
Avatar of SavageWolf
I'm just messing with you. Saying you have nothing to say is saying something about it.
Avatar of Shadowstaar
Heyo! So, I wanted to revisit a topic that I asked about on Fig a long time ago, and that is: what is the meaning of life, if there is indeed one? People's opinions seem to differ so much on this issue. Ask a hundred people this question, and you'll get a hundred different answers. So what are your answers? What do you think is the meaning of life, or is there one at all?

Shade's answer: To me, saying that life has a meaning, a purpose, implies that there's some grander wisdom behind it all, which I don't believe exists. So, to me, life has no inherent meaning.
Avatar of Shadowstaar
So, for one of my classes, I have to make and maintain a podcast. Currently, I'm making mine about video games. It's called The Arcade. Once I get some episodes done and uploaded somewhere, would you listen to them? I do plan on maintaining this podcast after college, if that matters. I'll post some links once the episodes exist. Episode 1: Fallout 3

Also, someone tell me how to make polls. EDIT: NEVERMIND.
Avatar of Shadowstaar
Hallo. This is shadowstaar(knight), attempting to make this site more active. 'Cause why not. ARGLEBLA-

So, because I don't really have anything else to talk about at the moment, I want to ask... why the hell is this so very dead? It seemed pretty active initially. What happened? Did you get bored? Did you find some other site or something? Is this a stupid question? Wait, don't answer that.

MEH. I'll have a better topic later. Like, next week. Comment or don't. I don give a NOPE.