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This comment was posted at Thread: Questions.
Avatar of Shadowstaar
I have nothing to say on the first question, as I don't know anything about that.

As for the second, well... He's a hypocritical asshole, plain and simple. I would elaborate, but everything I have to say about that has been said already, so I don't feel the need to reiterate. But honestly, I'm not mad at him or annoyed with him or anything. He's a guy that made some flash games I used to like that turned into a hypocritical asshole because of a series of faecesty (and possibly self-induced) events, and I see no signs of this changing in the near future. So I guess you could say that my opinion on him is that I don't like him and that he does, to a limited extent, piss me off. But then you take a step back, look at the whole picture, and realize that getting pissed off isn't going to help anyone (especially if you're the vocal type). In fact, it's likely going to make everything worse. So, I choose to simply let it be now.

If this post contains any possible contradictions, please let me know.
Avatar of SavageWolf
"I have nothing to say on the first question, as I don't know anything about that."

You hypocrite!
Avatar of Shadowstaar
...Care to elaborate? Or are you messing with me?
Avatar of SavageWolf
I'm just messing with you. Saying you have nothing to say is saying something about it.