Fallen Fig ~ Motto
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Avatar of Crazycolorz5
F0: A weak insect
F1: A weak and small insect(like a fruit fly)
F2: Most mosses. Some of the weaker fungi.
F3: Lichens. A large bacterial colony
F4: Small bacterial colonies
F5: Water
F6: Carbon Dioxide and similar nonreactive, noncorrosive molecules.
F7: Noble Gasses
F8: Neutrons
F9: Neutrinos
Avatar of Lazulus
I'd put water as D4. It might look calm, but if you ever go to the sea, or read a newspaper story about a person who drowned, you wouldn't put it as F.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Small quantities of water then. Really, drowning and such could happened with that much of like, anything,