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Thread: Totally Fake Power Gradient System (TFPGS)
Avatar of Hyphero
This is a system for categorizing the power or influence something has.

Tier power is E < D < C < B < A < S.

The lower the number, the more powerful it is within the tier.

E-tier - Below Specifications

An insect - E9
A small rodent - E8
A large rodent - E7
A low range cat/dog - E6
The average cat - E5
The average dog - E4
A red-shirt - E3
A person in the low range - E2
A person more noticeably below the curve - E1
A person slightly below the curve - E0

D-tier - Local Zone

A totally normal person, nothing more, nothing less - D9
A person slightly above the curve - D8
A person more noticeably above the curve - D7
A person in the normal high range - D6
A trained person - D5
A highly trained person - D4
A ridiculously trained person - D3
A rare few of people - D2
A Z-list superhero - D1
A F-list superhero - D0

C-tier - Regional Zone

A space marine - C9
A trained space marine - C8
A highly trained space marine - C7
A ridiculously trained space marine - C6
A low-priority super soldier - C5
A D-list superhero - C4
An average super soldier - C3
A natural super soldier - C2
A trained super soldier - C1
A well trained super soldier - C0

B-tier - World Zone

A C-list superhero - B9
The average Dungeons and Dragons paragon hero - B8
A trained Dungeons and Dragons paragon hero - B7
A space commander - B6
A field marshal - B5
A NetHack demigod - B4
The average Dungeons and Dragons epic hero - B3
A trained Dungeons and Dragons epic hero - B2
An actual demigod - B1
A munchkin in Dungeons and Dragons - B0

A-tier - Galactic Zone

The Death Star - A9
A lesser god - A8
The Dragonborn, level 81 - A7
Q from Star Trek - A6
A B-list superhero - A5
The Dungeon Master - A4
The Dark One - A3
World Eater - A2
An A-list superhero - A1
A mid-range deity - A0


The Reality Warper - S9
Sephiroth - S8
Jörmungandr - S7
Demogorgon - S6
A greater deity - S5
Tiamat - S4
Bahamut - S3
Io - S2
It all ends here... - S1
The Grand Creator Of ALL Things, In All That Is Sacred - S0


You can submit your own ratings like this: Chuck Norris - S1

If you have something less powerful than an insect, F0 to F9 ratings may be used (sparingly).

Practically NOTHING will be more powerful than The Grand Creator, so don't use *9 to *0.

These things need ratings:

Bruce Lee
A ridiculously trained Dungeons and Dragons epic hero
Robin Hood
Urist McDwarf
A monkey
Charles Darwin
Corellon Larethian
Avatar of Lazulus
The RNG: S0

Mario: A1

Robin Hood: D5
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
I personally would go for The RNG as S1. Doesn't have power over deterministic things.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
F0: A weak insect
F1: A weak and small insect(like a fruit fly)
F2: Most mosses. Some of the weaker fungi.
F3: Lichens. A large bacterial colony
F4: Small bacterial colonies
F5: Water
F6: Carbon Dioxide and similar nonreactive, noncorrosive molecules.
F7: Noble Gasses
F8: Neutrons
F9: Neutrinos
Avatar of Lazulus
I'd put water as D4. It might look calm, but if you ever go to the sea, or read a newspaper story about a person who drowned, you wouldn't put it as F.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Small quantities of water then. Really, drowning and such could happened with that much of like, anything,