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This comment was posted at Thread: How Important are Looks?.
Avatar of SignerJ
I used to not care about my looks a few years ago. Now, with my overactive teenager brain, I can't stop being self-conscious. I try not to think about my looks too much, but my self-consciousness comes and goes at random times.
Which didn't really answer your question, I suppose. I shower almost every day, since I exercise almost every day. I only occasionally cut my hair, though, since haircuts are time-consuming and expensive.

If someone complimented me on my looks, I would awkwardly thank them for the compliment and try to change subjects.
If someone was my friend just because they think that I look good, I'd wonder what is wrong with them, because I most definitely do not look that good.
I would much prefer for someone to be friends with me just because of my personality. If they didn't like the way I looked, oh well.

I personally wouldn't like another person solely based on their appearance, as I think that it is superficial and surface-level thinking. There is much more to people than just how they look, especially since appearance is one of those things which you have almost no influence over. However, it isn't my place to judge the validity of other people's relationships, so I can't claim that one relationship is less legitimate than another. (Though I would express my opinion on such relationships if asked specifically.)

And you shouldn't worry about embarrassing yourself by expressing your views. I don't think we'll judge you as lesser for it. (Or, at least, I won't.)
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Two comments:
Aww, I wouldn't draw any hasty conclusions about yourself not looking good. However subjective, have some pride! (Seriously, who made pride out to be a deadly sin? No, have some of it!)

Secondly, I feel like the appearance-as-superficial view is just, well, excessively pervasive in thought nowadays. And I really don't agree with it. To refute a specific point, you say appearance is not(or very little) influence-able. What about temperament, by which i mean MBTI or something of the sort. You really, really, can't change or control the way your mind processes information. With decent self-control and mindfulness, you can perhaps forcefully control your actions, but you can't help what your mind tends to do naturally. (Also, if you try and control every single action, you will let something natural slip through eventually; you can't keep control on your mind at all times.)
Avatar of SignerJ
I'm sorry, but I'm confused: how does the lack of control over temperaments have pertinence to the idea that appearance is superficial?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
What I mean is that you state "especially since appearance is one of those things which you have almost no influence over", and I'm saying, neither do you over other facets that are used to judge people.
Avatar of SignerJ
Oh, okay.

I suppose that your point falls a bit short on me, since I don't agree with using MBTI or Temperaments or whatever other system to form judgments on people. I try to avoid judging people, but the times I do judge someone, I tend to form judgments based on a person's actions or beliefs, rather then some arbitrary classification system or some quality that they have no influence over (such as looks, temperament, hair color, etc.).

How do you form judgments about people?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Hm, I would suppose I judge based on how they interact with me and their own achievements.