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This comment was posted at Thread: Merger?.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Okay, so, some background: There's another forum that I used to be a part of that's kinda falling apart recently. Basically, there used to be this webcomic/forums, but the creator had to shut it down, so the people who frequented the forum founded a backup forum. But now people are become less and less active and the lifeblood of that forum is being threatened, and they don't *want* to be separated, but aren't sure what to do. I mentioned that "another place I frequent has been falling apart"(fighunter) in passing.
The point of me saying this is, would you guys be interested, or even just all right, with basically, a merger - the guys from that forum coming over here and taking up residence here and such? It's not too many people, I don't believe - between 6 to 8? I said that I didn't think it would be fitting, but I'd ask, so... what do you all think?