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This comment was posted at Thread: Rules.
Avatar of SwordGuardian
Oh... oh my... I would like to see certain things be rules here. Yes.

1. I think that, to avoid problems that FH faced, the administrator and any possible moderators in the future should have to give a reason in order to ban someone. It can be a good reason or a bad reason, but they should have to give reasons.

2. Members shouldn't make multiple accounts. It can lead to taking up too much space, or could be used to promote one person more than others, such as by having a number of accounts all friend your "main" account or something.

3. No linking to pornography (so you keep the Americans and their censorship happy) and no linking to absurd violence or gore (keeping the Europeans happy).

4. No over-the-top swearing. It just makes you look stupid, and someone already said it should be against the rules to be stupid.

5. No flaming. I mean, that should go without saying.

6. Arguments lasting more than 5 posts without introduction of a new fact should be removed as deemed fit by the administrator or moderators. In other words, if you're just saying "nu-uh/yu-huh" for more than 5 posts, mods and the admin have the total right to delete your posts if they want.

7. No sexually harassing other members. This includes insulting someone for their sex, gender or sexual preference. This also includes hitting on someone despite what they may be interested in.

8. Your status on Fig Hunter is not necessarily your status here. If you're an admin or mod there, you can still be a regular member here. Likewise the reverse is true, that an admin or mod here might be a regular on fig hunter. These sites are still different.

9. No threatening other members. It always creates a bad atmosphere when you're telling someone you'll **** up their ****. It's even worse when you tell them you'll ***** their *** with a red hot ******-**** and **** their ****** to the **** upside-down **** without ******** a parking meter.

10. Foul language can be censored however you want, i.e. with #$%@, @$$4073 or ****, as long as it's not readily readable by those who don't want to read it.

11. Use of understandable language is necessary. This may not be punishable, but please don't go around typing in a way that is nearly impossible to understand. It's rather frustrating.