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This comment was posted at Thread: What biome is your favorite?.
Avatar of SwordGuardian
I like anything with abundant potable water, really. If you have that, you're golden.

Of course, golden isn't my favourite colour, you can do better than that! Honest!

My favourite is Taiga. Definitely. I love boreal forests. I like other forests a lot, but I don't like how they behave in the fall and winter. I don't like it when deciduous leaves turn brown and yellow and red and orange, I like green and blue and black and white. Taiga environments always seem to have lots of green, and in the winter they have lots of black and white as well. To me, that's like heaven.

Still, I like wetlands. Like, I don't really like swamps since the water is often very unsanitary and stagnant there, but I don't mind the sorts of wetlands of Canada. Oh I love such wetlands. Perhaps I am secretly a moose or an otter?

I love lakes and waterfalls and springs a lot. I often fantasize about this place I imagined while reading a book, this spring that exists more in my head than in the book I based it on. Atop a small mountain in a hot and humid region where vibrant flora abound, but shade is scarce as the trees are small, a tiny spring near the top gurgles up fresh sweetwater. The pool that collects around it is no more than three meters wide, and about half a meter deep. The crystal clear water is home to only a few small minnows, who swim with caution so as to not be caught in the exiting stream, losing their precious haven. The plants crowd tightly around the spring as though it were their very lifeline, leaving only a small clear spot on the southern side where a human could reach the water. The cool water brings relief to those lucky enough to find this source of fresh water, hidden in the foliage.

Uh! Sorry, this isn't supposed to be about my special mental hiding places, is this? This is supposed to be about biomes! I like Taiga the most, followed by forests, then by wetlands.