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Thread: What biome is your favorite?
What biome is your favorite? - 22 votes cast - This poll allows multiple options to be selected!
1: Grassland
9: Forest
1: Desert
0: Jungle
0: Coastal
1: Island
1: Tundra
1: Mountain
2: Wetland
0: Savanna
1: Other [please post]
2: Taiga
2: Mediterranean/Chaparral
1: No preference
Avatar of Hyphero
Basically, what biome (such as desert or grassland) would you think is the most attractive, livable, or beautiful.

Mine would probably be the Forest.

Also, lol at the large poll size. That's like... 13 options (more than FH allows!)

Update: Multiple selection is enabled. Please don't choose more than 3 options. If you chose Mediterranean, you have to re-enter your vote. Sorry.
Avatar of DarkDragon10
I live in woods pretty much and I must say it's beautiful to be surrounded by trees and waking up to a beautiful sunrise!
Avatar of fs627
I'm torn between Mountain and Tundra. I absolutely love cold weather and to a slightly lesser extent snow, though Tundra might get slightly extreme at times. At the same time I'm originally from the mountains and nothing compares to the beauty of a mountain landscape. Perhaps if you'd included Taiga in your choice I'd have chosen that instead, seeing as it is still incredibly cold and has gorgeous vegetation during the growing season.
Avatar of Hyphero
Whoops. Neglected that for some odd reason. It's added now however.
Avatar of Voukras
I like the smell of forests and the clean air. Also the shade.
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
I like all biomes equally in an 'idea' sense, I guess, although I generally tend to prefer cooler weather in rocky, uneven areas with a fair amount of water and flora. I don't really know where that would go. As long as there aren't mosquitoes and ticks and such. I hate those. Basically if it's kind of cool and has grass, trees, rocks, and water, I'm happy. More temperate areas, I guess. Although I'm fairly fine with a lot of stuff, I would say deserts and tundras are too harsh for me. That probably makes very little sense.
Avatar of Hyphero
That sounds like a preference for Chaparral.

And here I always thought you were a swamp person. Apparently not!
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
Not necessarily, I basically just like everything, although I'd prefer to be in moderate areas, instead of extreme.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Personally, I'm a fan of snowy biomes (which I don't think you had options for), at least to look at. Although I think they would get tiresome after a while, maybe. And I probably wouldn't want to be in them.

I do like forests though, particularly green, bright, almost fantasy forests. They just seem... Nice and calm, really. If I somehow was able to live in one, and still have internet and stuffs, I would like that. Yes. They just seem so... Refreshing and relaxing, "tranquil".

Deserts and wetlands seem "dead" to me. Like something that has rotted away or dried up. Blegh.

Beaches and tropical like things are annoying because SAND EVERYWHERE. I don't like beaches, because you get covered in sand, and stuff, and it's usually boiling hot, and there are other people and you have to barbecues and so on.
Avatar of SwordGuardian
I like anything with abundant potable water, really. If you have that, you're golden.

Of course, golden isn't my favourite colour, you can do better than that! Honest!

My favourite is Taiga. Definitely. I love boreal forests. I like other forests a lot, but I don't like how they behave in the fall and winter. I don't like it when deciduous leaves turn brown and yellow and red and orange, I like green and blue and black and white. Taiga environments always seem to have lots of green, and in the winter they have lots of black and white as well. To me, that's like heaven.

Still, I like wetlands. Like, I don't really like swamps since the water is often very unsanitary and stagnant there, but I don't mind the sorts of wetlands of Canada. Oh I love such wetlands. Perhaps I am secretly a moose or an otter?

I love lakes and waterfalls and springs a lot. I often fantasize about this place I imagined while reading a book, this spring that exists more in my head than in the book I based it on. Atop a small mountain in a hot and humid region where vibrant flora abound, but shade is scarce as the trees are small, a tiny spring near the top gurgles up fresh sweetwater. The pool that collects around it is no more than three meters wide, and about half a meter deep. The crystal clear water is home to only a few small minnows, who swim with caution so as to not be caught in the exiting stream, losing their precious haven. The plants crowd tightly around the spring as though it were their very lifeline, leaving only a small clear spot on the southern side where a human could reach the water. The cool water brings relief to those lucky enough to find this source of fresh water, hidden in the foliage.

Uh! Sorry, this isn't supposed to be about my special mental hiding places, is this? This is supposed to be about biomes! I like Taiga the most, followed by forests, then by wetlands.
Avatar of Hyphero
I like forested areas, especially if they have lakes or other bodies of water in them. They're pretty much the place to go to if you want to get into touch with nature. I love fresh water, maybe close to the point of being a water nymph. Forests are often seen as the place that makes your soul feel better, and that helps too.

I don't know why, but I also like wetlands.
Avatar of SwordGuardian
Fresh water is indeed very important to feeling comfortable! Or at least I think so!(^_^") Wetlands are nice because they have lots of water, as well as many living things. I like them more when they're small, though, and surrounded by lush evergreen forests. Forests with streams and creeks are particularly nice. Lakes are always wonderful, especially when they're small and cozy. :3