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This comment was posted at Thread: What do you love in an RPG?.
Avatar of spopo
A very large number of people here and on FH want to develop RPG games (Pseudo is inspirational in certain aspects).

I am in that group of people ^.^ and so are many others who will be reading this thread.

Let us discuss about the things that make an RPG game enjoyable, so that we all have our priorities right (If any of us actually get down to completing one)

Share your opinions on storyline, gameplay, battle systems, music, dialogue, pace of the game, graphics, everything.

(Note: Since there is so much confusion over the definition of an RPG game, I am referring to one like Mardek or Final Fantasy X. Some branching of story lines and alternate endings are fine too, but not as open ended as say, Skyrim. Skyrim is a great RPG too but it's not the kind of game I'm aiming at (Not implying that I can ever reach the epicness of Skyrim :( ). )

I will post my opinions too, but I will need to think about it. I'll post it tomorrow or day after, hopefully we will have some discussion started by then...