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This comment was posted at Thread: Bartle Types.
Avatar of Hyphero
These types happen to both be something helpful in game development and a personality system (this is why the categories are Game-Development and Personality - it's mostly a personality thing however!), which makes them interesting!

The four types are:

Killers - They tend to act on players . Often called Clubs, they tend to want to be able to compete against others or manipulate the world. I imagine they're well-suited for FPS'es!

Achievers - They tend to act on the world . Often called Diamonds, they tend to want to accrue as much achievements and cool stuff as possible. I imagine games with a 100% completion award of some sort would be great for Achievers!

Explorers - They tend to interact with the world . Often called Spades, they tend to want to explore the world and find new things, and like lore. I imagine Explorers would be unusually fond with finding a secret area (whether intentional or not)!

Socializers - They tend to interact with players . Often called Hearts, they tend to care more about socializing than actually playing the game. I imagine they would not be too fond of single-player games!

This is also extended into 8 types, but it's rare to see descriptions of the Extended Bartle Types. Nevertheless, they look like:

Politician - Explicit Action on Players
Griefer - Implicit Action on Players
Planner - Explicit Action on the World
Opportunist - Implicit Action on the World
Scientist - Explicit Interaction with the World
Hacker - Implicit Interaction with the World
Networker - Explicit Interaction with Players
Friend - Implicit Interaction with Players

Nevertheless, I would consider myself to be an Explorer (Hacker if using Extended Bartle Types).