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Thread: Bartle Types
What Bartle Type are you? - 14 votes cast
1: Killer
4: Achiever
8: Explorer
1: Socializer
Avatar of Hyphero
These types happen to both be something helpful in game development and a personality system (this is why the categories are Game-Development and Personality - it's mostly a personality thing however!), which makes them interesting!

The four types are:

Killers - They tend to act on players . Often called Clubs, they tend to want to be able to compete against others or manipulate the world. I imagine they're well-suited for FPS'es!

Achievers - They tend to act on the world . Often called Diamonds, they tend to want to accrue as much achievements and cool stuff as possible. I imagine games with a 100% completion award of some sort would be great for Achievers!

Explorers - They tend to interact with the world . Often called Spades, they tend to want to explore the world and find new things, and like lore. I imagine Explorers would be unusually fond with finding a secret area (whether intentional or not)!

Socializers - They tend to interact with players . Often called Hearts, they tend to care more about socializing than actually playing the game. I imagine they would not be too fond of single-player games!

This is also extended into 8 types, but it's rare to see descriptions of the Extended Bartle Types. Nevertheless, they look like:

Politician - Explicit Action on Players
Griefer - Implicit Action on Players
Planner - Explicit Action on the World
Opportunist - Implicit Action on the World
Scientist - Explicit Interaction with the World
Hacker - Implicit Interaction with the World
Networker - Explicit Interaction with Players
Friend - Implicit Interaction with Players

Nevertheless, I would consider myself to be an Explorer (Hacker if using Extended Bartle Types).
Avatar of Voukras
I'd probably fit most as a Killer then an Explorer. If I find a competitive multiplayer game I like, I'm going to play to win. Out of my way casual scum, tryhard coming through.

If it isn't a multiplayer game though I'm either interested in gobbling up all the juicy bits of storyline, especially in game like Dark Souls or just getting good at the mechanics of the game. I don't play games to relax in the normal sense of the word, really. If the game's storyline isn't all that interesting or central, like in Dead Space, I'm going to crank up the difficulty to maximum and if I'm in the right mood, play like my life depends on it - like just see how well I can possibly do if I concentrate.

Edit: if you're a socializer and play TF2 and you're trading and talking in the middle of a critical moment that costs the team the match, I'd personally like to take this moment to say that you're the scum of the Earth that's ruining video games since 2010.
Avatar of Dupin
I suppose I would consider myself an Achiever, but that comes with the caveat that I often treat Exploring (and sometimes Killing) as a personal set of achievements. Games with a completion percentage are a mixed bag, because while there's that nice feeling of completion, there's also that horrid feeling when you're halfway in and you realize you've done half of all there possibly is to do in the game. So while I'm fond of setting goals, I do also like it when the game doesn't specifically set those goals for me. In that way, Explorer might also fit, but I think it generally would be more accurate to say that I enjoy exploring *the game* than that I enjoy exploring *in the game*. Which might shift it back to Achieving. I guess the two for me are rather related?