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Thread: Bored sentimental fallenfigforumgoers check in here
Is it boring? - 7 votes cast
2: It sure is boring.
1: You're so boring, I could die!
0: Boooooooooring.
3: You are a boreface.
1: Enough!
0: [Other]
Avatar of deferentsheep
Melted holes through my plastic ramen packet with the cigarette....it's sweet on my lips, heady in my....head....
Avatar of deferentsheep
I will be done with my displays.
There is protection from nearly everything...
But there is no protection from mankind.

How grim it always is, one’s detonation, how time speeds up to win its prolongation.
Upon life’s outcry time does increase speed, prolongs the very second when you burst.
How terror blasts inward, how horror blasts outward.
How grim it always is, one’s detonation.
Avatar of deferentsheep
My last act has the meaning of protesting against the evil that we adults are preparing for the innocent new generations to come. We live our lives eating their flesh. An evil abyss in its horror. My sorrow for this crime kills me.
Avatar of SavageWolf
You guys really do be trying to keep this alive, huh.
Avatar of deferentsheep
tramplèd, but not rotten
Avatar of deferentsheep
Whoever wins a crown himself or by his property, by honor, or by valor, the crown is bestowed on him at his burial.
Avatar of deferentsheep
Secateurs, parchment, rubble.
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