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Thread: Site Open! Post bugs here!
Avatar of SavageWolf
I still check this site; it's just that it's probably a waste of time to fix any bugs unless anyone actually wants to use it.
Avatar of AzureEdge
Chat works now! :D Though when you type a chat post that is more than one line some of the words are obscured by the time stamp.
Avatar of Hyphero
Whenever double clicking 'delete' on a notification, the topbar of the site turns red and gives a HTTP 404 error.

Also, the profanity filters don't seem to work.

Also, the poll bars go over the topbar.
Avatar of SignerJ
In the chat room, messages that are too long blur with the time stamp, making the end of the line unreadable.
...Does that make sense?
Avatar of spopo
I think the stars next to people's names are supposed to indicate "friend" or "fan" or something like that.

It works just fine when I am on the "List of members" page or the forums, but for some reason not on chat.

I use the "Bulky" chat layout (I like seeing avatars) and I get a hollow star next to Savvy's name (Although I have not added him as a friend, neither has he added me) and a full star next to Frances' name (Same conditions).


Also, I was trying to add a poll to one of my posts and I kept getting an HTTP 500 error


About the chat messages overlapping with timestamps names etc. it happens with me too, BUT NOT IN THE BULKY LAYOUT. I use the "bulky" layout for chat and everything is fine. Others should use it too!
Avatar of spopo
Not a bug, but a suggestion.

On these forum threads, and on the members list, there should be the option of skipping directly to page number X. Perhaps even buttons to skip to the first or last page. Most forums have it so you should know what I'm talking about.

Indefinitely clicking "More" is a tiring exercise.
Avatar of spopo
I joined the chat, there were 4 people online including me.

Then I click the "Forums" button and exit the chat, and this happens: http://imgur.com/U01aoqR.png

I then enter the chat again, and it shows 4 again.

Then I exit the chat, and it says 5. (It should say 3)

Also, there are people who seem to be permanently stuck in the chat. SAPPHIROS, Oneeykcall and shadowstar, to be precise.
Does the client send a "I am leaving now!" broadcast to the server when it leaves, or does the server poll the clients' statuses?
If the former, then maybe they are stuck in the chat because they crashed or something.
Avatar of Lamphobic
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature but threads don't update most recent post when there is a reply to a previous post in a topic rather than an all new post in a topic.
Avatar of SignerJ
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but the rules seem to be rather lacking of, well, rules.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I'll get around to writing them once/if the site gets active enough to require rules.
Avatar of deferentsheep
The name on the side of a chat message in the "bubbles" chat theme becomes unbalanced if that name has a star next to it.
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