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Here are comments posted by Refurin!
Avatar of Refurin
The ability to completely mute/hide someone from existence would be probably useful, as, if someone is complaining about someone, rather than outright banning them, the people could just hide them. Or something. Because not doing anything about someone causing problems, even if it's not for everyone, is a bad thing.

Avatar of Refurin
My tastes in anime are extremely limited. The only anime I've really enjoyed is Death Note. I find most others to be 'over-the-top' or something like that.

Death Note's 'dubs' weren't bad, as far as I'm concerned. And if they are, by your standards, I don't understand what you're complaining about, to be honest. But I don't know, I'm not interested in arguing about something I'm not interested. I don't really like subs, as I seem to have the exact opposite opinion on dubs as Shamash, in that I find all of the non-dub voices to sound like children, or something?

I don't know.
Avatar of Refurin
The colours still hurt. D:
Avatar of SavageWolf
Would you mind giving more feedback on ways the colours hurt? And offer suggestions on how they can be improved? Hell, I could even give you the CSS file and let you fix it yourself if it's such a big problem.

I am slowly editing colours to make them slightly better, particularly links, but it 's a slow, creative process.
Avatar of Refurin
I remember sending you a detailed PM on Fig Hunter with what I found wrong with each and every colour, months ago, but I've lost that it seems.

I wouldn't mind having a copy of the CSS so I can mess around with colour combinations in some form of graphical editor thingy thing, and see what looks good and what doesn't, though.
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