Fallen Fig ~ Motto
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This comment was posted at Thread: Questions.
Darth Vader didn't do any DDoS attacks at all. What he DID do, however, was coerce Young Yoshi and a few others into spamming fake accounts on ST, which unsurprisingly angered the Almighty Spoodow.

My opinion of the Almight Spoodow, though? It's... complex, I suppose. I was significantly against him during the Big Five Bannings, and continued a strain of non-acted anger towards him (that is, I talked amongst a few confidants about it but never did anything vocal). I was a member of a group which housed a few troll/hackers from FH, which might have shaped my opinions. But that's irrelevant, right?! D:

After he started explaining things, I felt more comfortable. However, I still felt the hostility to anything remotely Fig- or male-related stuff, especially if it's both of them. At one point I tried to get an account on ST simply because I was curious, yet my careless IP stuff revealed it and I was banned in, well, 15 minutes. I suppose it doesn't help that Pseudo sees me as a 'youngling', coming to FH at 13. I've acted rather immaturely around him formerly, too. Pseudo's the type of person who holds grudges.

Now? Ambivalent, I suppose. I'm happy that he's admitted that a few of the bannings were wrong, but bitter over the fact that he still hasn't unbanned them yet despite having enough time to write essays on ST. I mean, 10 essays per day is quite a lot of time. I wouldn't expect changing one variable in a database would take much time. I enjoy(ed) his games, but he's drifted towards his own niche genre, so I think that my fun with that is over. Despite all this, though, I am remarkably grateful that he made FH in the first place; it's grown to be my 'identity', so to speak. Online, I identify as a Fig, as part of the Fig community, which having a name which is directly derived from the FH-verse adds to.

In response to your emotional thinking stuff about him... FH isn't really that logical at all, I think. It's just that a vocal minority use logic to justify things, and very infrequently logical debates occurred in the chat. It's not really that bad – I spend/spent a LOT of time in the chatroom. I understand he has feelings, which is why after my ST banning I 'gave up' being angry. However, constantly whining about how his creation (observe the last line) has caused him so much pain yet not acting upon it as the administrator is, frankly, irresponsible. I still respect him in the manner that he decided to solve his 'problem' by not going on FH any more, though.

I actually used a primarily emotional-based argument for the unbanning of Heiveldboy, although he now doesn't want to rejoin. :/

Anyway, I think that most of us have stopped any aggression towards him, regardless of how much of a {INSERT INSULT HERE} he is. :3

I'm an INTP with almost equal T/F and P/J things, by the way, if that clarifies things for you.

Oh, and thanks for mentioning me. I'm flattered! :D
Avatar of Cipherfalcon
Hello beautiful. ♥

I'm replying to Sapphiros' comment to reply to this thread because Sapphiros is my master. ♥

You know what's been said about the DDoS thing or whatever it is. No need to repeat it.

Pseudo honestly just kind of annoys me now, he seems far too needy and hypocritical and rude and insensitive and other wonderful things. He seems to exaggerate things too much sometimes. He seems intolerant. I used to respect him, then he kind of went down in a little spiral, and crashed, burned, and didn't even bake a cake with his flames (of anger, clearly) at around last December. Then I stopped caring. And just ignored stuff. That's about it.

I find it important that I mentioned cake. This post was probably useless.