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This comment was posted at Thread: Questions.
Avatar of Lamphobic
Not that hard to figure out he uses Host Gator (just use www.fighunter.com/somethingthatdoesn'texist in any browser) and host gator will complain that the page isn't found. I would like to know how you managed to get the email address though. I've never managed to learn much about how to do anything other than simple network stuff.

If the DDoS was done by pinging the server a ton of times then you can do that in any command line (unix or windows) with a simple command. There are other (more effective) methods of DDoS'ing though that could have been used and I wasn't paying much attention at the time so I don't know.

For question 2 I'm ambivalent. I don't care about Pseudo. I don't know him. I know what he writes on the blogs (doesn't come across well). I'm entirely sure that Pseudo wouldn't like me so I don't think I'd bother with him personally. Better for the both of us. He's too much himself which is a natural clash with how I do things. (I poke and prod and in general try to break things so I better understand them.)