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This comment was posted at Thread: Favorite Pokemon Type.
Avatar of uugr
I choose... erm... Electric. Electric types. That one. Or maybe Psychic. Ooh! Maybe Steel. Or... Fire? Or maybe Water, Dark, Ghost, Dragon, Grass, Rock, Ground, Ice, Bobblehead, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Actually, I think I'd go for Psychic. As a type, anyway. Pokemon-wise, Water seems to get all the cool ones like the selfish little... ...Bobblehead it is. I mean, seriously. Feraligatr, Swampert, Ludicolo, Greninja, Polywrath, Gyarados, Golduck, Blastoise, Crawdaunt, Wailord, Huntail, Barbaracle... The list goes on and on. Forever. Other types still get a few cool 'mons, though, when Water is feeling generous. Which it almost never is. Selfish little Bobblehead.