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This comment was posted at Thread: I am an Otherkin..
Avatar of uugr
I must be a silly ignorant dumbface fishbowl, but aren't Vampires and Fae and Annunaki and Flying Bowling Balls mythical creatures? As in, things designed by humans for myths and things? Nonexistant? Fictional things, in fiction that is fictional and not nonfiction. Humans thought them up. I, as has been established, am a silly ignorant fishbowl dumbface whom is silly and a Flying Bowling Ball, but I thought that things that people made up don't have any possible spiritual connectivity to anyone. But apparently this whole community is built around people who have decided that they feel like the Flying Spaghetti Monster. One quesion that springs to mind is "is there an accepted definition for each race"? I mean, vampires are different from one story to the next. Do people identify with a certain series' vampires/werewolves/abominations from He... Hera? What if I wrote a book where vampires all have sausages for heads and can only speak while throwing Flying Bowling Balls? Are those vampires any less acceptable than the already accepted ones? Will people identify with them now?

Many of the articles linked to give a strong impression (and by that I mean outright state) that otherkin is a very 'spiritual' thing. Which, as explanations go, is right up there with 'a wizard did it' or 'because I said so'. Saying that you feel something spiritually comes to its first problem when you realize that spirits, like fae or dragons, do not actually exist. There are brains, that's where you think things and feel things. Substituting 'spirits' for 'brains' in those articles makes otherkin easily identifiable and explainable as a mental... um... thing. I don't want to say 'disorder', because that puts it alongside Depression or Mania. Or Corelis. Or Alberto. Even then, it seems like tacking an identifiable and comforting name onto something only vaguely related. Then again, who wants to start a community of people who have Dislikes Sunlight and Likes To Suck Blood Disorder (DSLTSBD)?

But what do I know, I'm just a fishbowl dumbhead ignorant silly. I am curious about the whole accepted definition thing, though. What's going on there?
Avatar of Hyphero
Yeah, you are definitely a silly. Alongside Mania. Or Ares. Or SAPPHIROS . I think the best way to learn about Otherkin is to explore the people themselves. As far as I know, they're quite friendly.

And I'm pretty sure that there are psi-vampires as well, those just feed with energy.
Avatar of uugr
You know, they always say bipolar disorder is Mania and Depression, but I think it's really Mania and Corelis. Or DeNovo and ScintillaTinge. Actually, those aren't really antipodes so much as they are just moderators.

Don't you count as one of those people? As an Otherkin? Or are you really a Flying Bowling Ball. I've got my eye on you. Those Bowling Balls are tricky.

Psi-vampires!? That is the most utterly amazing and yet really ridiculous thing I've ever heard. And by "I've ever heard", I am of course discounting anything Mania ever said. Because of Mania.