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There is only one situation that I would say that suicide is acceptable: you know you are going to die, and very soon, and whatever way you commit suicide will be a less painful alternative to whatever way you were going to be killed. In thus situation, the person knows that nothing can prevent their death, and they have no way to impact further positively or negatively on society. Only then should suicide even be considered. If I learned that someone was considering suicide, no matter what their reason, I would try to give them support, and make sure that they were in the right emotional state to be persuaded not to commit suicide. When you're in that state of depression, you aren't able to process the most logical solution; it's just another excuse to hate yourself for considering it in the first place. You're only able to see the most cynical viewpoint on anything, so anything less positive than 'You're doing great!' is considered a personal attack.

If you know someone who is considering suicide, and you have the oppirtunity to help them but you don't, you are, in my opinion, responsible for their death. If you are not in a position, but are still aware of their difficulties, at least show some empathy and support them! That's how I see it, at least.

I've actually been affected by this already. It wouldn't be fair to publicise anyone else's problems, but when I was thirteen, I went through this depressive phase (I won't say depression, my emotions are never that strong.) where I could only see things in a negative light. I was taught that if you were a good person, you would go to Heaven, where life is better in every way. So in that state of mind, my thought processes went something like this:

Heaven = Good, good people
Me = Bad person
Bad person + Good deeds = Good person
Therefore Me + Good deeds = Heaven

I don't think that way anymore. I do good because it's the right thing to do, the best thing to do. The way I thought about it then was just me being a selfish brat. But anyway, since I was taught Talking=Good I talked to my mum about my thoughts. I just wouldn't shut up about it, it went on and on, until she basically told me to shut up.

See, that situation doesn't work. Sure, you get therapy and relief for yourself, but the other person can only take so much before they lose sympathy for you. All you learn is that nobody wants to hear you anymore. There's always someone out there willing to listen, but it's a big thing to ask of someone to be responsible for another person's happiness.

Anyway, all I took out of that situation was that Talking=Bad, therefore Me=Bad, therefore Me=Not Heaven. So I buried those feelings, refusing to acknowledge them, only that doesn't work either because if you do that, then you just make those feelings an integral part of you, leaving you more psychologically-damaged than before.

What you have to do is change the way you look at things, to see things in an optimistic way, so that what you see when you look at the world is a place you want to live in. You either laugh, or you cry. It took a lot of self-hatred, self-pity, a journey of discovery and a place where I could meet people who I had common interests with, but I learned to laugh. It wasn't the only step, but it was the first.

So yeah, that's my personal experience with it.