Fallen Fig ~ Motto
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Avatar of Heiveld
I am that which many people look for their entire lives, but only a few can find.
Avatar of Kurenai
Avatar of Shamash
I am Shamash!

I go to an online school, but will change schools soon. Probably. I have low self esteem, self confidence, and will/ determination. I also have a tendency to choose the action which benefits me most regardless of moral implications of doing so.
Avatar of fs627
Here to lurk.Yay!
Avatar of TTopHat
Every generation builds their replacements. What does it matter if they are metal.
Avatar of Michos
kek :^)
Avatar of Wadge
I should probably write a bio some time, for all your psychoanalytical needs!

Please stop staring at me like that.
Avatar of Dupin
This is an extraordinarily informative bio. You almost can't believe how informative it is.
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