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Thread: Adverts?
Do you think I should add adverts to the site? - 12 votes cast
3: Yes, I see no ethical issues with this
0: Yes, this site is its own independent thing
0: Yes, because screw Pseudo
2: I don't care
0: No, it's unethical
1: No, it won't really raise enough money to be worth it
6: I use adblock! :D
Avatar of SavageWolf
So, personally I think it's unethical to put adverts on this site, because I don't deserve it because I'm essentially "stealing" a fanbase (and even a site design) from Pseudo... But people have said that apparently it isn't. So I may as well get statistics or something.

Oh, and if I do get adverts, please don't click them unless you have any interest in what they are selling. First of all Google doesn't like that, second of all it teaches the ad selection algorithm thing wrong.
I use adblock, but if it benefits you then I don't see why I can't just disable it for this page. I mean, I trust (wow!) you enough for that. I think. I hope. D:

Anyway, yeah. Don't worry about Pseudo, he has alienated enough of his fanbase already, and has neglected the lack of functionality in the one thing that keeps them with him. There hasn't even been an AF blog post about it saying 'yeah, I know it's broken, and I'll fix it whenever' or even that it is now dead forever. I don't think it's unethical in any way.

I don't click any adverts ever as a principle. If I see something interesting, I'll use Google to find out about it. Adverts are spooky scary and can never be trusted. Probably.
Avatar of SavageWolf
If you see an advert for something you like and use google to find it rather than the advert, it's kind of a kick in the teeth to site owner...
I know, but I've just gotten used to not clicking them because of the scary viruses and stuff that all adverts give you. They're all lies. One millionth visitor? Pah, I've visited this site over a million times myself!

On a more serious note, I literally ignore all adverts generally. Most of them are repetitive and uninteresting. :/
Avatar of SavageWolf
Unless someone's got really clever, the adverts should go to the same place as the google search would take you to...
Avatar of Ooneykcall
Pseudo's old fanbase is currently pretty low priority for him, so I don't think it's wrong to be a little bolder and put up ads if you so wish. I'd hardly click them though, since I am now used to ignoring advertisement.
By the way, Sav, what's up with the chat and when could a fix be expected, so that we can wait patiently?
Avatar of SavageWolf
Could you tell me what the issue with the chat is?
Avatar of thewooter
Id disable adblock for the site, though if we have to click it for you to make money then I doubt its a very lucrative..