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Thread: Jared's idea bin
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they escape. The trubrarian goes to his home to bring a never before seen race of book people to life, the cowboy and his sister hitch up to a Steed and chase after the sunbird, the cactoids and Jack and his family fix up the generation ship and keep orbiting the star.
04:48:23 @ mainjaredino
they aren't dead
04:48:17 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
They are dead so how come they are given a wish then..?
04:47:49 @ mainjaredino
my fictional universe
04:47:41 @ mainBurnenbird
What's all this about?
04:46:20 @ mainjaredino
and the trubrarian is given a magic ink vial that can make books become living beings
04:45:08 @ mainBurnenbird
◇ Burnenbird has entered the chat at 04:44:58.
04:44:21 @ mainjaredino
the cowboy is granted forgiveness in the eyes of his sister
¤ BarleyCrossroad has left the chat at 04:44:15.
04:43:32 @ mainjaredino
The younger sister is granted the knowledge of why her brother left in the first place
04:43:06 @ mainjaredino
I forgot to mention that they died
04:42:57 @ mainjaredino
Jack Loper is given his family back from the grave
04:41:46 @ mainjaredino
but not before granting an unspoken wish of each character
04:41:08 @ mainjaredino
after that, the entity that is created fuses with the sunbird and warps off into the center of the galaxy to find it's creators
04:40:09 @ mainjaredino
to ensure that the planet wouldn't be destroyed before it finished maturing
04:39:23 @ mainjaredino
the sunbird was an artificially created gaurdian
04:39:06 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
Okay, never thought that would happen though.
04:39:00 @ mainjaredino
04:38:47 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
The planet is an egg..
04:38:30 @ mainjaredino
until the planet is destroyed when it hatches
04:38:18 @ mainjaredino
so that sets up the first half of the story
04:38:08 @ mainjaredino
and the cowboys sister and Jack decide to tag along as well
04:37:52 @ mainjaredino
so he hires the three armed cowboy to accompany him on his voyages across the planet
04:35:58 @ mainjaredino
which it is
04:35:52 @ mainjaredino
since he feels that the planet might be significant to the bird
04:35:30 @ mainjaredino
so the apprentice decided to research the planet instead
04:35:08 @ mainjaredino
yeah, the main problem for all researchers before is that it is impossible to get close to the sunbird without being attacked, and any scanning is unable to tell even the chemical makeup of the bird
04:33:21 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
Researching the same thing all the time, huh..?
04:32:53 @ mainjaredino
that sets up the main chars
04:31:55 @ mainjaredino
which is why the apprentice travels all the way to the fringe system of sunbird to research the sunbird, and the planet it circles
04:31:18 @ mainjaredino
anyways, the all apprentices must submit original research before being admitted as a full trubrarian
04:30:22 @ mainjaredino
I suck at writing, and I'm too lazy to write for hours
04:29:59 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
Ah, okay.
04:29:57 @ mainjaredino
the main problem for me is execution
04:29:45 @ mainjaredino
◇ jaredino has entered the chat at 04:29:41.
¤ jaredino has left the chat at 04:29:39.
◇ jaredino has entered the chat at 04:29:37.
¤ jaredino has left the chat at 04:29:17.
04:29:16 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
Ever thought of writing yourself a novel and submitting it..?
04:27:34 @ mainjaredino
In this universe, the main collection of human knowledge is called the Trubrary, which is a moon sized library full of data
04:26:44 @ mainjaredino
Another main character is the apprentice Trubrarian
04:26:01 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
What is better than fast food service to the Amercian people; space cowboys.
04:25:28 @ mainjaredino
when you work a boring min wage job, you gotta think about something other than just prepping food
04:24:37 @ mainjaredino
I just spent a lot of time thinking about this universe
04:24:17 @ mainjaredino
also, the cowboys little sister has 4 eyes, as a result of staying on the planet longer
04:24:04 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
Gosh, you really do love loveing up your characters' lives, don't you..? XD
04:22:31 @ mainjaredino
Jack Loper also suffers from a mutation, in the form of a set of antlers
04:21:59 @ mainjaredino
bunnykin are artificially created life forms that are basically anthromorphic rabbits
04:20:32 @ mainjaredino
He left his younger sister on the planet to grow up with the bunnykin Jack Loper
04:19:44 @ mainjaredino
he grew up on the planet, but he spent most of his adult life as a bounty hunter.
04:18:51 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
So, the cowboy is from that planet. It must feel bad to be like him.
04:17:25 @ mainjaredino
the third arm is robotic
04:17:18 @ mainjaredino
the three armed cowboy actually has three eyes
04:15:25 @ mainjaredino
the radiation of the sun has strange effects on those who grow up there, and causes mutations.
04:14:55 @ mainjaredino
The planet is habitable, but only barely
04:13:57 @ mainjaredino
It just burns up in the atmosphere
04:13:44 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
What becomes of the poop..? Burnt up dung pie..?
04:13:05 @ mainjaredino
Of course, what goes in must come out, so the sunbirds scat ends up creating harmless meteor showers in the atmosphere.
04:11:41 @ mainjaredino
Nobody knows where it came from, or if any other sunbirds exist. The only thing people know is that it seems to protect the planet, by eating any space debris that goes near the planet
04:11:08 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
A giant critter wandering around in space; how many poachers went out into space to hunt it down..?
04:10:22 @ mainjaredino
It is named after it's largest denizen, the Sunbird. It is a critter that is the size of a moon, and it orbits the only habitable planet in that system
04:08:42 @ mainjaredino
and on the fringe of the new galaxy is a place called the sunbird system
04:08:39 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
Oh my dear god. No wonder why you've put in the cowboy aspect.
04:07:36 @ mainjaredino
The problem with the steeds is that while they are fine for interstellar travel, they get tired when traveling intergalactic distances, so the Star train was built. A massive undertaking that required 20 years to make, it was the first man made ftl device. It works using Massive rings that allow the "cars" to travel through some sort of subspace
04:01:52 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
Sure thing. XD
04:01:05 @ mainjaredino
I might as well tell you more, if nobody minds?
04:00:45 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
04:00:15 @ mainjaredino
03:59:38 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
I'm just going to say that you've deserved this moment to oust the conversation and subject from me. XD
03:59:24 @ mainjaredino
Though I think the universe would be better without the munchers shoehorned in
03:58:44 @ mainjaredino
Sorry, I just like to rant on about my fictional universes.
03:57:27 @ mainjaredino
yeah, iv thought about it a lot
03:57:10 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
You've really thought about tyour story and world, haven't you..?
03:56:42 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
03:56:41 @ mainjaredino
Well, you can think of Steeds like the space version of horses, the munchers are more like the space version of cows
03:55:45 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
So, they are the space version of cows while the Riders are shapers to them..?
03:55:42 @ mainjaredino
of course, they have to be physically tethered to the Steed somehow, by a cable or something, to be able to travel with them
03:55:07 @ mainjaredino
Riders are humans with enhanced psychic abilites that are able to control the Steeds, and use the warp field that the Steeds create to transport ships full of people
03:54:00 @ mainjaredino
Oh, they ride the Steeds
03:53:39 @ mainjaredino
Like the Munchers, massive spherical creatures that devour asteroids
03:53:37 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
Wait, how did humanity gt anywhere..?
03:52:59 @ mainjaredino
Anyways, the Steeds are the main way that humanity expands across the solar system, finding even more Space Critters
03:52:12 @ mainjaredino
03:51:18 @ mainjaredino
nobody knows how long they live, since nobody has seen one die of natural causes
03:51:15 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
You wrote all f that..?
03:51:00 @ mainjaredino
The Steeds are a race of psychic space creatures that travel from system to system in massive herds, surviving on space dust and sunlight
03:49:54 @ mainjaredino
It is a future where humanity was unable to find a way to go faster than light, until the Steeds appeared
03:49:20 @ mainjaredino
like the universe that the "voyages of the three armed cowboy" take place in
03:49:00 @ mainDuogDuogDuog
I keep them bottled up in my brain.