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Thread: Chat Issues
Avatar of AzureEdge
So I've been having persistent issues with the chat on this site. Whenever I enter I can't see anything I post and other people's posts don't update in real time like they would. I can see what others post if I refresh like every few seconds but I still can't see mine. I've tried this in IE and Chrome to no avail. I'm not sure what the problem is, but if you guys could mention what browsers you use to view this site maybe I can figure out the problem.

Edit: So apparently chat decided to work properly right after I complained about it. Hm. Well it works and I was using IE.
Avatar of Burnenbird
My connection to the chat is also a bit unstable. I think I keep going in and out of it. But I can at least read and chat without any big issue.

Do you have Firefox? That's what I usually use to access the site and chat.
Avatar of Macheman7
I use Firefox , but I doubt it matters.
I have the same problems,I just refresh the page until it works. :3
Avatar of deferentsheep
This happens to me too, and I think it's somehow due to internet speed or something, since this hasn't happened before today. I can send some messages, sometimes, after refreshing but they take a while to go through if they do at all. I would perhaps conjecture that it's due to the socket approach SavageWolf uses, rather than AJAX which could mean that if your connection isn't good enough to keep the socket open then nothing will work at all. While with AJAX some requests would go through with slower connections. The problem could also be server side, maybe.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I've seen a lot of people complaining that the chat is broken, but none seem to actually be telling me what happens. So, uh, could you tell me please? I think I have the connection issues worked out, mostly... (If you still have some, could you use ff.savagewolf.org/chat/?dd=1 and tell me why you disconnect).

Oh, and if you have freezing issues when someone spams, could you make sure the chat freezes for OTHER people instead of just you? Obviously if you spam the server will just disconnect you, it's only a problem if other people have troubles too.
Avatar of Refurin
I've not had any issues with the chat, other than that people are never in there because they think it's broken.
Avatar of deferentsheep
What happens (in this instance) is that using Firefox the chat doesn't load at all, just displaying the message entering box, the tick icon, and "Default room: main". But it works fine using Chrome.

In Firefox the dd=1 version thing doesn't even show the "Default room: main", by the way.
Avatar of SavageWolf
If you open the console with CTRL+SHIFT+K, does it display anything useful?
Avatar of deferentsheep
Among other certain irrelevant things, "ReferenceError: Promise is not defined" thrice, then "Authenticated OK; server version: 1, client version: 6"
Avatar of SavageWolf
Ah, I know what's causing that. If you are using Firefox, you have a really old version, just so you know.

Anyway, I was using a modern web technology thing, which isn't supported in old browsers and IE, and I've just added a library that implements it, so could you check if it works now.
Avatar of deferentsheep
I like to ignore the update dialogs on principle. The chat works now, such infallible timing.
Avatar of SavageWolf
... You should really update your system when you can. If only for the security things... It isn't like Skype where newer versions are universally crap.
It's fine for me in FF, too. Are you on the newest version, do you have any plugins that might affect the display, is it plugged in, have you tried turning it off and on again?
Avatar of Kenji
Weird, for me, everything works perfectly fine in Firefox.