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Thread: The Green Glass Door
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
Music is behind the GGD but Drake is not.
Air is behind the GGD but diatomic nitrogen is not.
There is not chocolate behind the green glass door, and no cake.

Sad times.


There are, however, sweets behind the green glass door. I suppose that makes up for the lack of chocolate and cake.
Avatar of Drake
you're both wrong. i thought you knew the rule, sapp?

there is no music, drake, air, diatomic nitrogen, chocolate, or cake behind the ggd. or sad times, for that matter. there is suffering, though
Oh, so the thing needs to be strictly consecutive? I thought it could be found anywhere in the item.

Being ambiguous us hard. I hope you get what I mean.
Avatar of Drake
yeah, i get what you mean. please delete, though
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
There is happiness behind the GGD, but no Wyverns?
Avatar of Drake
weee, color's got it~
Avatar of spopo
I do not understand this game at all.

Here is what I am understanding:

There is something(s) inside the green glass door, but only Drake knows what it is. Other people are supposed to make claims, and Drake would validate or invalidate them, giving a clue on what really is in the door.

But the skewed number of correct claims makes me think I am missing something.
Avatar of Drake
yes, you are missing something, although i think most of the people who are answering correctly have either played this game or something very like it before. there's nothing wrong with guessing a few times and seeing what gets through; in fact, we are suffering from a deficiency of that
Maybe it's that we're all incredibly intelligent and know everything about the GGD without previously being told because we are psychics or something?
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
It could just be due to how it tends to be correct.

That said I have no idea what the rule is.

Politics are behind the door, but politicians are not?
Avatar of Drake
sorry, no luck

neither politics nor politicians are behind the ggd.
Calmness is behind the green glass door, but peace is not.
Avatar of Lazulus
Hurricanes are behind the Green Glass Door, but earthquakes are not.
SAPPHIROS is behind the green glass door, but no inanity.

Nothing more impossible than that.
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