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Thread: Shutting Down the Site?
Well? - 12 votes cast
0: I'd strongly object to you shutting down this site! I need it!
9: I'd object to you shutting down this site; I'd use it if it was more active!
1: I really don't mind.
0: You should shut down this site; it'll be healthier for you.
0: You should shut down this site to agree with Pseudo's wishes.
0: You should shut down this site for some other reason.
2: I'd rather you didn't shut it down, but I accept that that may be the best option.
Avatar of SavageWolf
So anyway, this site never really took off. And with just finding out that Pseudo is going to ban everyone who visits this site, I may as well just close it down.

Just wondering who would object to that.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Someone on the Facebook group told me, though in fairness they didn't give proof, so meh.
Avatar of SignerJ
I highly doubt that Pseudolonewolf will ban people using this website. For one thing, I doubt he cares enough to come here anyway. After all, if we are using this site, then we have no reason to go to Alora Fane when it opens or whatever, right?

Plus, some people using this site are already banned, so...