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Thread: Introduction thread?
Avatar of OraNgE22
(I wasn't sure what category, or categories, to pick and I also didn't see an introduction thread while skimming through the previous posts. I hope it's not a problem that I made this one.)
So, yo, I'm a user from the forums Crazycolorz was suggesting merge with this one and I've usually gone as Eric. I really didn't have a thought out introduction planned, I just figured I'd make an account and get the ball rolling. Thanks for having me, everyone.
Avatar of Drake
hey, good to have you here. as is probably obvious, the forums are a bit dead at the moment; hopefully with a few more people we'll reach critical mass for sustained activity.
Avatar of SavageWolf
I exist and check this site regularly, and such.
Avatar of SignerJ
I exist periodically. Unless I am not being observed, in which case I tend to both exist and not exist at the same time. It's a little quirk of mine.

In a slightly more sensible (and less morbid) sentence, welcome! As Drake said, hopefully the influx of new members will be enough to revive this site! If not, then back to the halls of dusty cobwebs will I go.
Avatar of Honeyman
I am too a person that came from that exact same site.
Here is my gift to all of you: http://i.imgur.com/JI85vSM.jpg
Avatar of donutsizzle
Shalt I address thee as "honey," or as "man?" Or as "Honeyman?" Or, hopefully not, as "Manhoney?"
Avatar of Honeyman
Avatar of donutsizzle
All right, beeexie, glad to make your acquaintence. Hope you find it warm and slightly moist here.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Yeah, sorry about that. I should do something about that leak.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
*waves* I see D-Day 2 has come.
Avatar of Frostward
I am from the site that colorz mentioned.
Avatar of Drake
hey. i was kind of expecting you all to come at once? this is okay too, though, i guess.
Avatar of Crazycolorz5
We're treading on a fine line between disorganized and semi-organized.
Avatar of SignerJ
Welcome, weary traveler.
Avatar of Lazulus
Hello everyone! I'm a person. I think. Am I a person? Or just a giant piece of crystal floating on top of the keyboard? Sometimes, I find it hard to tell, y'know?

So yeah, I hope you all like it here. Also, SavageWolf, because you fixed that leak, the roof is now on fire. Thought you might want to look into that
Avatar of donutsizzle
We don't need no water. Let the motherloveers burn. Burn, motherloveers, burn.
Avatar of SavageWolf
Could you not swear please...
Avatar of donutsizzle
Yeah, I could probably do that. I'd rather feel free like a bird, but if I must be ensnared, can you at least tell me you love me?
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