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Thread: Do any of you like the movie Frozen?
Do you like the movie Frozen? - 11 votes cast
1: Yes, I like Elsa too!
1: Yes, I like Anna though.
0: Yes, I'm more of an Olaf fan though.
0: Yes, I prefer Kristoff.
3: Yes, but I don't have a favorite.
0: Yes, I like someone else though.
1: Not really
5: No
Avatar of Hyphero
I do, and my favorite character is Elsa.
Avatar of spopo
I havn't seen it yet.
Avatar of Hyphero
Trust me, it's worth it.
But why? Everyone is going on about it, but what actually makes it a good film?
Avatar of SwordGuardian
I haven't seen it, and I'm not really into the animation style or the movies made by the people that made it. That said, I have intentions of making fanart for it nonetheless.
Avatar of donutsizzle
I saw it!

It is an extremely sexist piece of trash. Disney continues to exploit young and naive female youths to indoctrinate them into a submissive materialistic role that will inevitably lead to an unsatisfying life that is profitable to corporations and patriarchal society as a whole. What small appeasements they try to provide to a perspective of male and female equality would be laughable if the whole situation weren't so depressing. If I had a daughter I would not allow her to watch Disney films, including Frozen.
Avatar of Seiryuu
I thought that for a Disney movie, they've subverted a lot of the tropes in earlier incarnations, such as the "love at first sight" schtick and there is no girl getting together with a boy explicitly shown. It's good to hear the talents of Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff, and Adele Dazeem.
Avatar of Tripledot
I saw it. Twice. Definitely not because of any feminist message, which I'm relieved it didn't have. You know what? I actually related to the female characters on a ihuman/i level, which I think is the best thing a work trying to portray women well should do. Because my brother locked himself in his room for his high school years, it really hit home. I was undeniably angry when he didn't seem to understand how this movie paralleled our lives. The way the film was marketed made me wonder what the people in marketing were thinking. A story about the deep suffering caused by isolation and the need for compassion sold as a straight up comedy with a feminist twist? To call it feminist or sexist completely misses the point in that it shouldn't matter whether or not they are female, as the movie does not discuss gender politics at all. It's pretty shocking that a movie like Frozen could be so popular, given its themes, but then again, most people ignore them in favor of shipping fanart and hypothesizing whether Anna is gay for not getting married at the end. For example, people think that "Let it Go" is about empowerment! Unfortunately a crapton of people covered it, so instead of being a song of thinly veiled despair it's interpreted as a song about expressing who you really are (I mean come on, it's not like she runs away to a mountain away from society because she's secure in who she is). It's really society's fault for reacting to this film the way it has (in fact, they seem to act exactly like the trolls in the movie, who I'm sure many people disliked), and I'm afraid it cheapens its message.But yes I do concede that Disney princess movies are just a series of films to get girls to buy dolls. But just because something is made to sell toys doesn't mean it can't be deep or well-liked, or even endorse the thing it's promoting. Kind of hypocritical, but then again I'd rather look at the film as an artwork in itself with its own message rather than a cynical plug of yet another bland-name product.