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Thread: Bitcoin
Would you use Bitcoin? - 12 votes cast
0: I already use it!
2: Yes
4: Maybe
3: No
0: Not ever
1: Dogecoin is superior
2: I wish it never existed.
Avatar of Hyphero
Bitcoin is a P2P digital currency that is these things:

• Standard currency of the Deep Web
• P2P cryptocurrency
• Mined using a process similar to Folding@Home - Bitcoin mines by making calculations while Folding@Home solves protein folding problems.
• A high-risk investment
• A experiment on digital currencies, not readily accepted yet
• Has a parody called Dogecoin
• Extremely liquid
• Neither a "standard" nor fiat currency
• Secure
• Lacks a physical representation

Basically, Bitcoin is a currency that is backed by mining and protected by encryption.

I don't use Bitcoin personally.
Avatar of spopo
For small transactions, maybe. But the whole "High Risk" part is scary, which is why I don't use it. I don't need anything from Silk Road either, so it is of no use to me.
Avatar of donutsizzle
When I was younger and dumber, I might have used it to purchase illegal hallucinogenic and otherwise mind altering substances. If I did, I might have ended up dead or in jail. So I'm glad it didn't exist when I was younger and dumber and I wish it didn't exist now for the sake of those like how I once was.